Royal Dutch Shell’s £55bn bid for BG Group faces any number of hurdles, including volatile oil prices and the risk of a counterbid, but the biggest of all may prove to be what one competition lawyer calls the “black box” that is China’s Ministry of Commerce, the country’s opaque antitrust regulator.
荷兰皇家壳牌(Royal Dutch Shell)出价550亿英镑收购英国天然气集团(BG Group)的交易将面临许多障碍,包括油价波动以及其他公司竞购的风险,但最大障碍或许将是一位反垄断律师所说的“黑箱”——不透明的反垄断监管机构中国商务部。
Regulatory scrutiny of the deal — the biggest in the energy sector for more than a decade — will take months. Competition authorities in Australia, Brazil, China and Brussels are among those expected to examine the size and reach of the combined company, which is set to be the world’s biggest supplier of liquefied natural gas.
Some could wave it through with minimum fuss. For the European Commission, traditionally more sensitive to the impact on prices for consumers, the BG takeover is regarded as unlikely to raise the concerns that a “downstream” merger, between say Shell and BP, might.
一些竞争监管当局可能痛快放行。欧盟委员会(European Commission)传统上对消费者终端价格所受的影响更为敏感,BG收购案被认为不太可能引发“下游”并购案——比如壳牌和英国石油(BP)——可能引发的那种忧虑。
But for Beijing, a big LNG importer, the combination will pose a different set of questions, particularly over security of supply and the impact on heavy industry.
With LNG deliveries of 45m tonnes last year, Shell and BG already account for almost 20 per cent of the global market — BG alone was poised to become China’s biggest LNG supplier by 2017. Another 20m tonnes a year in liquefaction capacity is expected to come online by 2018.
China has long applied wider criteria to competition tests, taking in industrial policy. Moreover, its approval process is known to be unpredictable. As a result, lawyers say, the Ministry of Commerce — known as Mofcom — is the biggest uncertainty surrounding the deal.
China could well approve the takeover, but demand concessions first, as it did with the $64bn natural resources merger between Glencore and Xstrata two years ago.
“The Chinese have got them over a barrel,” says one senior oil industry executive. “I would be astonished if there is not a request to sell one of their grade one LNG assets.”
Beijing cleared the Glencore-Xstrata deal only after the trading house agreed to sell the Las Bambas mining project in Peru to assuage Chinese concerns about the enlarged group’s influence in the copper market. The eventual buyers were a group of Chinese companies led by Minmetals.
北京批准嘉能可和斯特拉塔并购案的前提条件是嘉能可同意出售秘鲁的拉斯邦巴斯(Las Bambas)铜矿项目,以消除中国对合并后公司在铜市场上影响力过大的担忧。最终该项目卖给了以中国五矿(Minmetals)为首的一批中国企业。
Competition lawyers also point to Mofcom demanding “behavioural remedies” before approving mergers. One recent example came in Thermo Fisher Scientific’s $13.6bn acquisition of Life Technologies. China asked for price reductions on certain products and commitments on supply, as well as requiring the sale of businesses.
反垄断律师还指出中国商务部会在批准并购案前要求“行为补偿”。最近的一个例子是赛默飞世尔科技(Thermo Fisher Scientific)斥资136亿美元收购Life Technologies的交易。中国要求它们下调一些产品的价格、做出供应承诺及出售一些业务。
Shell and BG will be an LNG behemoth. Assuming no asset sales, the combined group will have an unrivalled mix of equity production — including in Qatar, Oman, Russia, Malaysia, Brunei, Australia, Peru, Trinidad and Nigeria — supply contracts, trading positions and transport. It also has significant capacity to convert supercooled LNG back into gas.
“The deal creates by far the biggest LNG producer in the world, combining the first and the fifth by market share,” says Ed Cox, editor of Global LNG Markets at ICIS, which provides pricing information and market analysis.
安迅思(ICIS)《全球液化天然气市场》主编埃德•考克斯(Ed Cox)说:“这一交易将市场份额分别为第一名和第五名的两家公司合并到一起,打造出世界上规模最大的液化天然气生产商。”安迅思是价格信息和市场分析提供商。
Scale will be an advantage. “In a market where there is a lot of new production appearing, Shell-BG is better placed. It will have a greater geographical reach and access to more vessels, which means shorter distances for delivery. The proximity to buyers will be an advantage . . . whoever can capture the best margins will be king,” he says.
Indeed, that thinking appears to be a driver behind the deal. Ben van Beurden, Shell’s chief executive, wants to cut costs — and create value — by combining the two groups’ shipping operations and LNG trading platforms. Its ability to improve margins will be crucial as the LNG industry becomes more of a “spot” market, says Thierry Bros, analyst for Société Générale. In the longer run, success could give Shell-BG influence over how the market develops.
事实上,上述想法似乎就是产生这桩交易的动机。壳牌首席执行官范伯登(Ben van Beurden)希望通过合并两家公司的船运业务和液化天然气交易平台来削减成本、创造价值。法国兴业银行(Société Générale)分析师蒂埃里•布罗斯(Thierry Bros)表示,天然气行业正日益成为一个“现货”市场,因此该公司提高利润率的能力将至关重要。长远而言,假如能够做到这一点,壳牌-BG将拥有左右市场走向的能力。
“They can’t dictate prices at the moment. But if the oil indexation link [long-term supply contracts linked to the price of oil] is broken, then the largest producers will have the biggest say and dictate the course the market takes,” says one Australia-based LNG analyst.
China will be weighing the implications of the merged company’s size and potential pricing power. “I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a mix of behavioural and capacity divestiture. That could entail, for example, some sort of undertaking by the merged Shell-BG not to increase prices for Chinese customers,” says a lawyer.
Mofcom declined to comment. The ministry usually makes recommendations for any asset sell-offs based on feedback from Chinese state-owned enterprises. BG’s existing gas partnerships with Cnooc and Shell’s global upstream co-operation with CNPC could make the approval process smoother.
The process will begin when Shell and BG formally notify Beijing of the deal. This starts a 180-day clock, with up to three phases to the review. Unlike other authorities, though, Mofcom offers very little informal guidance. It can take a long time replying to the simplest questions and demand meetings “at the drop of a hat”, says one lawyer.
“The problem with Mofcom is a lack of transparency. It’s very difficult to know what is going on or get a steer from them,” adds another. Long-running probes have led in the past to companies pulling and refiling merger plans.
Mr van Beurden is taking no chances: he has already flown to China to outline the deal. Shell says: “The deal is pro-competitive. While we expect the usual thorough and professional review by the relevant antitrust and other regulatory authorities, we are confident that the deal will receive the necessary approvals.”