Children's Book Transforms Into A Tree When Planted
While e-books are on the rise, most people, especially young kids still prefer printed versions that they can pore over for hours on end. Though that is an excellent habit, it also means cutting down precious trees. But what if the book could revert to its roots and transform back into a tree? Now thanks to a Brazilian children's book publisher, that is possible, at least for one book!
。这习惯虽好,但制作纸质书会消耗珍贵的树木资源 。那么,如果纸质书可以回归本源,重新生长成树,会怎样呢?机智的巴西童书出版商已经实现了这个想法,至少在下面这本书上 。The "Tree Book Tree" program is the brainchild of Argentina's Pequeno Editor and FCB Buenos Aires. Their first creation Mi Papá Estuvo en la Selva (My Father Was In the Jungle), has been around in regular format for many years. In the book, a young boy takes the readers on an exciting journey of his father's adventures inside an Ecuadorian jungle.
“Tree Book Tree”计划是阿根廷Pequeno Editor出版社和FCB Buenos Aires公司合作,精心推出的
。这本Mi Papá Estuvo en la Selva (《我爸爸在丛林中》)的常规版本已经盛行多年,书中主要由一个小男孩叙述其父在厄瓜多尔丛林惊险刺激的旅程 。The book that is made from acid-free paper, printed with non-toxic ink and hand-stitched and bound, is completely recyclable. Jacaranda seeds are carefully sewn into the pages to help it transform into a tree.
Raquel Franco, the editorial director of Pequeno Editor, says they picked the book because, "It has an endearing message regarding the respect we owe to all living beings. But we were wondering how to take this message even deeper. We wanted to develop a powerful communication action with a metaphorical weight.
Pequeno Editor出版社的编辑总监Raquel Franco表示:“我们之所以出版此书,是因为它亲切的传达了人类对所有生灵的尊重,但我们仍在探究如何将此推进至行为沟通层面有重大意义的事件
。”After a kid is done reading the book (over and over again), he/she waters the cover and place it in a sunny area inside the house. Once the seeds sprout, the book can be planted in the dirt in any location the owner decides. From then on the book just has to be nurtured like any other plant.
。种子发芽后,可依自己的意愿移到任何地方的泥土里,这之后呢,就可以把此书当成正常的植物照看啦 。译文属可可英语原创,仅供学习和交流使用,未经许可,请勿转载 。