Arnaldur Indridason
Meet Inspector Erlendur. Lugubrious, lonely and brilliant at his job. He tries to patch up failed relationships, most notably with his drug-addict daughter and estranged son, but mostly fails, and sits at home reading about death and desolation. His problems date to his childhood, when his brother disappeared in a blizzard, and Erlendur survived. Decades later, he is still looking for the body – and solving crimes in a country vividly brought to life. Or perhaps vivid is not the best adjective: there is plenty of gloom, harsh living, and bad, bad weather. Wonderful
Henning Mankell
Read some of his non-Wallander novels – for example Depths, The Man from Beijing, or Italian Shoes – and you can see quite how impressive a writer Mankell is, and why he has sold 30m books. But it was the creation of Inspector Kurt Wallander that made Mankell so popular, turned Ystad into a tourist destination and started the phenomenal worldwide interest in Scandinavian crime writing, and gloom. “I’m not sure melancholia is a dominant trait of Swedish or Scandinavian literature,” Mankell has said. There’s plenty of it, though, in the 10 Wallander novels
Fred Vargas
Frédérique Vargas is an archaeologist and historian whose imaginative characters put most of America’s top-rated crime writers to shame. One of her Commissaire Adamsberg series revolves around a modern-day town crier in Paris; another follows a trail of mutilated sheep, and a third features a detective who talks in verse and – while on witness protection duty, and from the safety of a broom cupboard – writes down the works of Racine in large letters so his grandmother can read them. Vargas’s novels have deservedly won many awards
瓦加斯是一个考古学家和历史学家,她那极富想象力的人物创造可以使大部分美国顶级犯罪小说作家自惭形秽。Commissaire Adamsberg系列中的一本是围绕着一个巴黎的现代城市公告员展开的;另一本则从一只受残伤的绵羊留下的血迹找到了线索;第三本刻画了一位言辞如诗的侦探,他在保护证人以及一架金雀花橱柜的安全,在他写给老祖母的大号字的信中一切秘密渐渐揭开。瓦加斯的小说已经名至实归地获得了许多奖项。
Sj?wall and Wahl??
Besides Indridason and Mankell, Scandinavia has given us Stieg Larsson, Karin Fossum (brilliant) and Jo Nesb? (too Americanised). Beyond these big names, Karin Alvtegen’s haunting novels are matched by ?ke Edwardson, Kerstin Ekman, Mari Jungstedt, Asa Larsson and H?kan Nesser. They all owe a debt to Maj Sj?wall and Per Wahl??, a couple of radical journalists who would sit and write every evening after putting the children to bed. Their 10-book Martin Beck series, written between 1965 and 1975, year of Wahl??’s death, set the standard. A must-read
除了银德瑞达森和曼凯尔之外,北欧还给了我们史迪格.拉森, Karin Fossum(非常聪明的作家)和Jo Nesb?(过于美国化)。除了这些大名鼎鼎的人之外,卡琳.亞弗提根的犯罪追踪小说还有可相匹敌的作家如?ke Edwardson, Kerstin Ekman, Mari Jungstedt, Asa Larsson和 H?kan Nesser。而这些人都曾从Sj?wall和Wahl??那里吸取养分。这对夫妇是激进主义记者,每天晚上在安排孩子睡下之后他们便坐下来写作。他们合作的10本《警探马丁·贝克》系列小说是在1965到1975年之间完成的。1975年Wahl??逝世。这个系列为后来者奠定了基调。这是你必读的侦探小说。
Petros Markaris
There is no better writer on traffic jams anywhere in the world. Markaris, a successful playwright and screenwriter, uses the traffic as a way of portraying the mess that is modern Athens, and offers plenty more on its confused politics and business life. His central character, Inspector Costas Haritos, was a “baddie” under the military dictatorship. He reads dictionaries, jokes about racism and immigration – “There are two things I can’t stand. Racism, and blacks” – and loves stuffed peppers, his wife’s recipe for which appears as an addendum to one novel Photograph: PR
His career as a crime writer did not take off until he was 56, and he is still going strong in his 80s. Magnan has rarely ventured outside Provence, where his knowledge of local dialect has tested his translators. That might explain, at least partially, why some of his books had been around for 25 years before being published in English. They are quirky, and while the two linked by the character Séraphin Monge (The Murdered House, Beyond the Grave) bring to mind Jean de Florette, the Commissaire Laviolette series of three will be a pleasure for fans of Fred Vargas. Thoroughly enjoyable
他作为犯罪小说作家的事业直到56岁才开始,而直到80多岁时他仍然创作激情不减。他很少走出过法国的普罗旺斯省,因此他作品中的地方知识和方言对翻译者而言是个考验。这也许可以部分地解释为什么他的有些书直到25年之后才出了英文版。他作品的风格是诡异离奇的,而他《被谋杀的房子》中那个主角Séraphin Monge会使人们联想起另一位著名犯罪小说家弗雷德·瓦加斯(上边介绍过)笔下的人物 Jean de Florette。因此他的 Commissaire Laviolette三部曲对瓦加斯的粉丝来讲也一定充满了乐趣,彻底地充满了乐趣。
Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
Pepe Carvalho is another detective who likes his food – so much so that there is a book of his recipes, along with more than a dozen novels, written between 1972 and 2000, three years before Vázquez Montalbán’s death. There is also a special tourist route around Barcelona for fans of Carvalho, who knows the seedy side of the city as well as the best restaurants. Political corruption and justice are themes that run throughout, alongside discourses on cultural identity, while two novels focus on sport, Offside and An Olympic Death. Vázquez Montalbán was a diehard Barcelona fan and leftist
Jean-Claude Izzo
The Marseilles trilogy, written in the 1990s and featuring Fabio Montale (played on screen by Alain Delon), showcases the city through the eyes of an immigrant who, unlike his troublesome boyhood friends, became a cop. The hard-boiled Izzo is a leading name in Mediterranean noir, along with Massimo Carlotto (who spent many years in prison for murder, before being pardoned). The New York Times says Izzo’s books “are so thick with local colour it almost smothers the story”. There would surely have been more to enjoy had Izzo not died of lung cancer, aged 54 and at the height of his fame, in 2000
马赛三部曲写于20世纪90年代,书中刻画了一位警察侦探蒙代尔(由阿兰·德龙在银幕上扮演),这个系列通过侦探蒙代尔——移民出身,但不同于他少年时代的朋友而成为一名警察——的眼睛,向人们展示了马赛这座城市。风格无情的伊佐是地中海黑色侦探小说流派中的领潮人物,另一位等量级的人物是Massimo Carlotto(他在监狱中度过很多年,罪名是谋杀,之后受赦免出狱)。《纽约时报》称伊佐的书“地方色彩如此浓厚,使得故事本身都快压得没气了。”本来我们还可以欣赏更多他的作品,但他在2000年54岁的时候死于肺癌,当时他正处于声名的巅峰。
Andrea Camilleri
Having come late in life to writing, Camilleri thought he would just write a couple of books featuring DI Salvo Montalbano when he created him in 1994. The series now stands at 12, and Camilleri, who will be 86 this year, has become Italy’s best-selling and most loved author. He starts the day with a beer, smokes like a chimney, and is wonderfully engaging company. Montalbano is named after Vázquez Montalbán, whose writing and politics Camilleri greatly respects, and there are clear similarities between the Sicilian and Pepe Carvalho. If you haven’t read them, you have a treat in store
Timothy Williams
A questionable choice, as he was born in Walthamstow (Brits are not included in “Euro” crime writing), but he lived in Italy for years, moved to Guadeloupe, and holds dual nationality. His latest novel is available only in French, so if I make him French rather than British he gets in (admittedly unfair on two other Anglos, whose detectives work in Italy and Spain – the late Michael Dibdin and the brilliant Robert Wilson). The five books in Williams’s Commissario Trotti series, written from 1982–96, are hard to find,
but if you liked Zen (Dibdin’s books or the TV series) you’ll enjoy Trotti just as much. A delight
他的国籍是个问题,因为他出生在英国的(英国人是不包括在“欧洲”犯罪小说范围内的),但他在意大利生活过多年,后来搬到位于拉丁美洲的法国属地瓜德罗普岛。他拥有的是双重国籍,而且他最近一本小说是用法文写的。他笔下的人物Trotti与电视剧《Zen》里的主人公很相似,尽管这五本的《代理警察总监Trotti》(Commissario Trotti series)系列在市面上不容易见,但是读这些故事会带给你的是一种欣喜。