Earlier this month, an international team of scientists, veterinarians and zookeepers gathered at the Suzhou Zoo near Shanghai. Their desperate mission: to attempt the first artificial insemination ever of a softshell turtle, saving the species from oblivion.
“Even if we get just one or two hatchlings, I will be very happy,” said Gerald Kuchling, a project leader for the Turtle Survival Alliance, a nonprofit conservation organization. “Even a single one would give hope for the recovery of this magnificent animal. It would be a turn.”
“即使我们只能得到一两只小鳖,我也会非常高兴,”非营利性保护组织龟鳖生存联盟(Turtle Survival Alliance)的项目主管杰拉尔德·库克林(Gerald Kuchling)说。“哪怕只有一只,也能带来让这种奇妙动物的种群数量恢复的希望。这可能是一个转折。”
Quite a turn, actually. The Yangtze giant softshell turtle — thought to be the largest freshwater turtle in the world — was once common in the Yangtze and Red Rivers. But by the late 1990s, pollution, hunting, dams and development had driven it to the brink of extinction.
There are only four known specimens remaining, and only one female — an 85-year-old resident of the Suzhou Zoo. For years, biologists have been trying to coax her and her 100-year-old mate to produce hatchlings. So far the pair have disappointed scientists, with the female laying clutch after clutch of unfertilized eggs.
She was discovered only in 2007, three years after the sole other known female died at the Beijing Zoo. Desperate to find another, Dr. Kuchling and Lu Shunqing, a turtle specialist from the Wildlife Conservation Society’s China branch, had asked every zoo in the country to send them photographs of any large softshell turtles in their possession.
这只雌性斑鳖2007年才被发现。它被发现的三年前,之前那只被认为全世界独一的雌性斑鳖,已在北京动物园死亡。库克林和国际野生生物保护学会(Wildlife Conservation Society)中国分会的龟鳖专家吕顺清渴望再找到一只雌性斑鳖,于是让全国所有动物园都把各自的大型软壳龟鳖的照片寄给他们。
One image, taken at the Changsha Zoo in Hunan, caught their eye, and days later, they arrived to examine the turtle. It was indeed a Yangtze giant softshell turtle and, crucially, a female. She had once been part of a traveling animal exhibition, they learned, and became a permanent resident of the zoo shortly after the end of the Chinese Revolution in 1949.
Dr. Kuchling and Dr. Lu arranged for her transport to the Suzhou Zoo, where they hoped she and the zoo’s male specimen would begin producing more of their kind. To their delight, the animals did appear to mate, and that summer, the female laid around 180 eggs.
But none proved fertile, a disappointment that would repeat itself for six years. “The conservation world was holding its breath,” said Rick Hudson, the president of the Turtle Survival Alliance. “It’s been a lot of frustration since.”
但没有一枚受精。这个令人失望的现象重复了六年。“整个野生动物保护界都屏住了呼吸,”龟鳖生存联盟的会长里克·赫德森(Rick Hudson)说,“从那以后就一直失望。”
Scientists decided to intervene. On May 6, Dr. Kuchling and Dr. Lu, with a team that included turtle experts from the United States, drained the male’s pond and used a cargo net to wrangle the 140-pound turtle onto a stack of car tires that served as a makeshift examination stand. Putting him under anesthesia, the scientists used an electrical probe to induce a partial penile erection.
Normally, the penis of the Yangtze giant softshell turtle looks a bit like a medieval weapon. Equipped with fleshy spikes, protuberances and lobes, it is designed to navigate the female’s equally complex reproductive organ, located inside a byzantine chamber called the cloaca.
The problem became immediately clear to the scientists: This turtle’s penis was mangled.
Two decades earlier, another Yangtze giant softshell turtle had been added to the male’s pond in an attempt to mate the animals. The second turtle turned out to be male, as well, and the two fought. The second male was killed, and the victor suffered serious damage to his shell and, it now appears, to his reproductive organ.
The team also examined the male’s sperm — extracted using electrical stimuli — and finally discovered good news. While motility was low, the sperm were viable. The scientists decided to proceed with artificial insemination of the female.
With no case studies to go on, the team had to improvise. Dr. Kuchling examined the sedated female’s cloaca with a fiber-optic endoscope to locate the compartment leading to her oviducts. Then Barbara Durrant, the director of reproductive physiology at the San Diego Zoo’s Institute for Conservation Research, deposited the semen.
由于没有案例进行研究,该小组只好随机应变。库克林利用光纤内窥镜对已经麻醉的雌性斑鳖的泄殖腔进行了检查,确定了通往其输卵管的区域所在的位置。圣迭戈动物园(San Diego Zoo)保护研究所(Institute for Conservation Research)生殖生理部门主任芭芭拉·达兰特(Barbara Durrant)注入了这些精子。
“It was just a matter of delivering the semen through a small plastic tube into what we think is the correct place,” she said. “Unfortunately, there just hasn’t been that much basic reproductive physiology work done in turtles and tortoises.”
Even if it’s guesswork, artificial insemination may be the only chance to save the species. Two other male Yangtze giant softshell turtles are believed to be in Vietnam — one in Hoan Kiem Lake, in the center of Hanoi. But those animals “are pretty much off limits for any non-Vietnamese,” Dr. Kuchling said, and so a collaborative breeding program seems unlikely.
A handful of Yangtze giant softshell turtles may remain in the wild; tentative sightings have been reported in a dam reservoir on the Red River in Yunnan Province. Conservationists, however, are not betting that another male will be captured anytime soon.
Now the wait begins. When the female lays her first clutch of eggs, probably by late June, the scientists will know if this first effort was fruitful.
“Nobody has ever done this before, and it’s probably a long shot,” Dr. Kuchling said. “But we are all hopeful, and if it doesn’t work this time, we’ll definitely try again. Despair is not an option.”