Sitting in a conference room seven years ago, Masayoshi Son was immediately drawn to the sharp-minded executive across the negotiating table. The billionaire telecoms tycoon needed a new technology partner for Yahoo Japan, the internet search engine in which his SoftBank group owns a big stake. Nikesh Arora was sceptical of the tie-up, but the then Google executive was also intrigued by Mr Son, who told him: “Let’s try!”
7年前,孙正义(Masayoshi Son)坐在一间会议室里,很快就为谈判桌对面那位思维敏锐的高管所吸引。当时这位电信行业的亿万富豪正在为雅虎日本(Yahoo Japan)寻找新的技术合作伙伴,他的软银集团(SoftBank)拥有该互联网搜索引擎的大量股权。时任谷歌(Google)高管的尼克什•阿罗拉(Nikesh Arora)虽对合作提议有所怀疑,但他同样被孙正义激起了兴趣,后者对他说:“咱们试试看!”
Since that first encounter in 2008, the two men have become inseparable. “We’re so close it’s a bit crazy,” Mr Son says. Last year SoftBank poached Mr Arora, Google’s highest-paid executive, with a financial package generous enough to convince him to leave behind annual pay of about $50m at the world’s most powerful internet company.
Their business partnership became even more tightly woven on Monday, when the SoftBank founder announced that he had selected his new recruit as the “top candidate” to succeed him. Mr Arora, who as vice-chairman has led the group’s investments, will be promoted to president next month, second only to Mr Son, who stays as chief executive.
The switch to SoftBank was a daring move for Mr Arora, who was seen as the fourth most important executive at Google after co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and executive chairman Eric Schmidt. Mr Arora compares Mr Son to the two Google founders, saying he has “one of the most brilliant minds”.
对于阿罗拉而言,跳槽到软银是一个大胆举动,他曾被视作谷歌最重要的高管之一,排名仅次于联合创始人谢尔盖•布林(Sergey Brin)和拉里•佩吉(Larry Page),以及执行董事长埃里克•施密特(Eric Schmidt)三人。阿罗拉将孙正义与谷歌的两位创始人相提并论,称他拥有“最聪明的大脑之一”。
Still, Google’s market capitalisation $370bn makes it five times more valuable than SoftBank. And running a company as a foreigner is a challenge in a country where long-time company insiders often rise to the top.
For India-born Mr Arora, though, the culture barrier may not be a big factor. At 21, he moved to the US with two suitcases and $100. “The thing I feel most proud of is that I went to business school for two years in a culture I didn’t understand,” he told the Financial Times in 2008. “That to me was a significant achievement because that tells me I can adapt to different environments.”
After receiving his MBA from Northeastern University in Massachusetts, Mr Arora spent the next seven years at Fidelity and Putnam Investments, covering the booming telecoms industry in the 1990s. By the end of the decade he had moved to T-Mobile, where he became chief marketing officer.
在马萨诸塞州的东北大学(Northeastern University)获得MBA学位后,阿罗拉在富达投资(Fidelity Investments)和百能投资(Putnam Investments)一共工作了7年,亲身经历了电信行业在上世纪90年代的蓬勃发展。90年代末,他进入T-Mobile并成为首席营销官。
After joining Google in 2004, he was put in charge of its European operations in London. There he created a single continental unit that reported directly to him, and became highly profitable. However, before moving to California in 2007 to lead Google’s global sales team, he split the European business in two. Part of his motive, two former colleagues say, was to ensure there would be no powerful successor who could challenge his authority from afar.
A deft fighter of internal politics he may be, but one subordinate recalls him as a compassionate boss, who was quick to suggest taking off as much time as he needed when his wife was diagnosed with cancer. “For the big man to say, ‘you decide if you want to work’, that’s not a cold person,” insists the former Google executive. “He was there for us when the chips were down.”
People who know Mr Arora say he is driven by global ambitions, a trait he shares withMr Son, who already has a 300-year plan to keep SoftBank growing. At times, Mr Arora speaks so fast — “like a machine gun” — that people struggle to follow his thoughts.
“He’s got one of the best BS detectors I’ve ever seen,” said Paroma Roy Chowdhury, Softbank’s vice-president of public affairs, who previously worked under Mr Arora for six years at Google. “It takes time to earn his trust, once you earn it it’s implicit.”
“他是我迄今见过的人中最会辨别空话假话的人之一,”软银负责公共事务的副总裁帕罗马•罗伊•乔杜里(Paroma Roy Chowdhury)说,在谷歌期间,他在阿罗拉手下工作了6年。“要赢得他的信任需要时间,不过一旦你赢得了他的信任,他就会完全信任你。”
The 57-year-old Mr Son will not be retiring soon. But he will be turning to his anointed successor, who is both tech savvy and 10 years his junior, as SoftBank aims to transform itself into a global powerhouse by boosting internet-related acquisitions. “I had few people I could actively talk to inside my company about my crazy ideas on internet investments,” Mr Son said. “It’s really great to have someone I can trust who will debate with me.”
Another person Mr Arora will be debating with is Marcelo Claure, chief executive of Sprint, the lossmaking wireless network that is America’s third-largest, which SoftBank acquired for $22bn in 2013. People close to Mr Arora say he already offers advice on internet-related topics and marketing strategy.
另一个要与阿罗拉讨论的人是Sprint的首席执行官马塞洛•克劳尔(Marcelo Claure)。Sprint是美国第三大无线网络公司,目前面临亏损,软银2013年斥资220亿美元收购了Sprint。接近阿罗拉的人称他已就互联网相关话题和营销策略提供建议。
Friends and colleagues describe Mr Arora as a consummate networker. Last year, he married Ayesha Thapar, a scion of the Thapar family, an Indian business dynasty. The multi-day affair in Puglia in southern Italy was attended by leaders in the American tech and Indian corporate worlds, as well as Hollywood actors Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis.
阿罗拉的朋友和同事称阿罗拉非常善于建立人脉。去年,他与印度商界世家撒帕尔家族的阿耶莎•撒帕尔(Ayesha Thapar)结婚。持续多日的婚礼在意大利南部的普利亚(Pulia)举行,参加婚礼的既有美国科技业和印度企业界的领军人物,也有好莱坞明星艾什顿•库彻(Ashton Kutcher)和米拉•库妮丝(Mila Kunis)。
But Ms Roy Chowdhury says that he retains a strong connection to his homeland. “Even when he was at Google, his sense of India never wavered,” she said. “He loves Indian food, he’s a cricket buff, he follows Bollywood.”
One catch to dealing with Mr Son is the crazy hours. People who work closely with him say they need to be ready to pick up his call 24 hours a day.
It helps, then, that former colleagues say Mr Arora also has an insatiable work ethic, distracted only by rounds of golf and relentlessly updating cricket scores on his mobile phone. “My wife doesn’t mind [Mr Son] calling me before he goes to sleep and wakes up,” Mr Arora said.
The writers are respectively the FT’s Tokyo and technology correspondents