9. Gardens in Suzhou
9. 苏州园林
Just as there is paradise in heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.
Suzhou, the famous historical and cultural city, is world-famous for a lot of extremely elegant gardens. Suzhou is located in the Yangtze River delta with a moist climate and convenient transportation. Public officials in the old times inclined to build gardens in Suzhou to spend their late years.
In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the feudalistic economy and culture in Suzhou reached its summit, leading garden art to maturity. A large number of garden artists came into being, causing the upsurge of the construction of gardens. During the prime time, there were 280 private gardens and courtyards in Suzhou,among which the well-preserved and opened to the public now a days are the Canglang Pavilion and the Wangshi Garden in the Song Dynasty, Shizilin in the Yuan Dynasty,Zhuozheng Garden, Yipu in the Ming Dynasty, Liuyuan, Ouyuan, Yiyuan, Quanyuan,Tingfengyuan in the Qing Dynasty, etc. Zhuozheng Garden,Liuyuan, Wangshi Garden and Huanxiu Villa are incorporated into the "World Cultural Heritage" in the late 1997 by UNESCO for their elaborate art and explicit characteristics.
The gardens in Suzhou are the "mountain forests in cities with natural beauty." with profound cultural implications. When people in the downtown enter the gardens,they would joy the beauty of the nature in the concentrated" natural world" with the changes of time and seasons, where, one spoonful of water means lake and one fist-size stone stands for a hill. People can" enjoy the beauty and quietness of the mountain forests and the pleasure of spring and brooks in the downtown."
The gardens in Suzhou are the "Gardens for man of Letters". The garden builders in the ancient times well-educated. They could both write poems and draw paintings. The gardens based on the paintings and poems, look like vivid pictures through the ponds and hills and are regarded as "Soundless poems and three-dimensional paintings" Visitors wandering in the gardens feel as if they are appreciating a poem or a painting. In order to show the interests, temperament and ideals of the owners of the gardens,there are also tablets and couplets, such as "Yuanxiangtang which means the fragrance of the lotus symbolizing human character,"Xiangzhou" , which means the elegant sweet grass symbolizing noble temperament and "Huafangzhai", which describes the crave for the lives of the ancient people drifting like a boat, and "Zhenyi", "Xiao taoyuan" in Wangshiyuan,which reflect the longing of the garden owner for an idle life in the countryside, etc.
These inscriptions are integrated naturally and harmoniously into the archiectures, hills and rivers, flowers and trees in the garden, endowing them with far-reaching prospects. Accordingly , visitors can derive the enjoyment of beauty and the relish of soul when roaming in the garden.
苏州园林是文化意蕴深厚的"文人写意山水园"。古代的造园者都有很高的文化修养,能诗善画,造园时多以画为本,以诗为题,通过凿池堆山、栽花种树,创造出具有诗情画意的景观,被称为是"无声的诗,立体的画"。在园林中游赏,犹如在品诗,又如在赏画。为了表达园主的情趣、理想、追求,园林建筑与景观又有匾额、榷联之类的诗文题刻,有以清幽的荷香自喻人品(拙政园"远香堂") ,有以清雅的香草自喻性情高洁(拙政因"香州") ,有追慕占人似小船自由漂荡怡然臼得的(怡园"画肪斋") ,还有表现园主企慕恬淡的四园生活的(网师园"真意"、留园"小桃源")等等,不一而足。这些充满着书卷气的诗文题刻与园内的建筑、山水、花木自 然和谐地棵和在一起,使园林的一山一水、一草一木均能产生深远的意境,1尚祥其中,可得到心灵的陶冶和美的享受。