5.Percy Bysshe Shelley
Percy Shelley was a great friend of Lord Byron, but his character was a little different. He was a well-intentioned and idealistic poet who unwittingly left a trail of destruction in his wake. He was the son of a landowner and educated at Eton, where he was known as “Mad Shelley” for his interest in the new science of electricity. He was bullied terribly and developed a hatred of the social system, becoming a passionate supporter of the French Revolution.
At Oxford, he wrote a pamphlet entitled “The Necessity of Atheism” that was sold in a bookshop directly opposite his college and led to his expulsion. He became estranged from his father and was forever in need of money. With a growing family and a lurid reputation within England, Shelley left for a peripatetic life in Italy in 1818. He dragged his family and hangers-on from Florence to Pisa, then to Naples, and finally Livorno, where he drowned in 1822.
He called for revolution throughout Britain even when it annoyed those around him and became dangerous, resulting in an attempt on his life by government spies in 1813. He truly believed that literature could change the course of history, and his poetic works abound with figures of Promethean energy that transcend their time and circumstances.
He also had a habit of attracting young women and then discarding them. At 19, he eloped with the 16-year-old Harriet Westbrook, only to dump her for Mary Godwin while Harriet was pregnant with his child. She later drowned herself in the Serpentine in Hyde Park. Mary Godwin's half-sister also killed herself after falling for Shelley and being rejected by him and his coterie of admirers.
4.Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Pushkin was notoriously irascible and sensitive about his honor. It's amazing that he even reached the ripe old age of 37, for in his short life, he was involved in at least 29 duels, the last of which saw him killed. He dueled over slights about his verse, insults directed at his friends, women he was courting, arguments at the dinner table, comments about his appalling manners, and even over the weather.
In 1822, he fought an army officer after accusing him of cheating at cards. Pushkin calmly stood eating cherries while his opponent took aim, but the man failed to land his target. In a final act of insouciant contempt, Pushkin refused to return fire, an indication that he thought his opponent not even worth the powder and shot. He was a curious mix of volatile testosterone and crippling insecurity.
1822年, 他指责一名军官在打牌时耍诈而和他打了一架。对方拔枪的时候普希金还在悠闲地吃着樱桃,好在没有打中。普希金不屑还击,他漫不经心的态度表明他觉得对手并不值得他动手。他绝对是个暴躁的危险分子。
Pushkin spent his youth in St. Petersburg drinking, gambling, and womanizing while nominally working for the Foreign Ministry. He wrote verses and joined an anti-Czarist organization, for which he was exiled to Odessa in 1820, where he continued to court other men's wives and cause trouble. He was exiled again to his parents' estates for atheism before being freed by the Czar in 1826. Pushkin remained under surveillance by the secret police until he died.
Pushkin was frequently in debt despite coming from an aristocratic family. One of his ancestors had been an Ethiopian who entered the Imperial service in Russia. Pushkin cultivated a wild, Byronic image and is remembered as the great poet of Russian Romanticism. It may not come as a surprise that his great verse-novel, Eugene Onegin, is structured around a duel and a love triangle.
His marriage to 17-year-old Natalya Goncharova proved to be his undoing. The Czar fancied her for himself and humiliated Pushkin by giving him the lowest court position possible to keep him and his wife at court. Other suitors followed, including the French emigre Baron D'Anthes, who married the sister of Natalya just to continue his courtship of her. Pushkin, driven mad by rumors that he was a cuckold, demanded a duel with D'Anthes. In deep snow, Pushkin was killed by the Frenchman's shot.
3.Charles Baudelaire
In the catalog of vices detailed in this list, Charles Baudelaire represents the allure of opium, hashish, and exotic women. As an art critic and aesthetic theorist, he pioneered a view that art was free from the constraints of morality, while also introducing Edgar Allan Poe to the French through his translations.
As a poet, his collection Les Fleurs du Mal of 1857 embodied his theories on art and introduced themes of death, decay, the grotesque, and the feeling of ennui that comes from urban living. Several of the poems were banned for a century in France, and Baudelaire was tried for offenses against public decency.
He led the excessive lifestyle espoused in his verse. He was expelled from school and contracted syphilis from a prostitute by the age of 18, which caused him pain and illness for the rest of his life. He refused his family's plans of a diplomatic career to pursue life as a man of letters, but he was frequently without money after his mother and step-father took control of his funds. They also rejected his Haitian mistress, the woman he called his “Black Venus.”
Spending his time among beggars, prostitutes, and the absinthe-drinkers of Paris, Baudelaire shared their need to escape from urban squalor to an artificial paradise by any means. With his fellow writer Gautier, he was part of a club of hashish users, as well as a heavy drinker and laudanum addict. His mother had to pay off his debts after he died at the age of 46.
2.Algernon Swinburne
Algernon Swinburne was a self-destructive drunkard and had some decidedly odd, perverse interests. He had noble forebears, was educated at Eton and Oxford (and nearly expelled from the latter), and spent time traveling in France and Italy. Much of his life was spent living with the drug-addicted artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti on Cheyne Walk in Chelsea before being forced to retire an invalid with the poet Theodore Watts-Dunton.
He was only 160 centimeters (5 ft) tall, suffered fits and tremors, lived on the edge of his nerves, and drank to excess, often until unconsciousness. His work is associated with decadence and regarded these days as overwritten, full of lush alliteration and internal rhymes. Swinburne specialized in exploring and glorifying themes that were shocking to Victorian tastes, some of which seem a little extreme even today. He had a particular taste for flagellation and liked to boast about indulging in bestiality and pederasty. His novel Lesbia Brandon was unpublished until the 1950s, and his 1868 collection Poems and Ballads contained work praising paganism, lesbianism, bisexuality, sadomasochism, cannibalism, and hermaphroditism so graphic that his publisher withdrew it from print.
French writer Guy de Maupassant met Swinburne in 1868 while he was living in Normandy. The first time they had lunch together, Swinburne showed Maupassant his extensive collection of illegal pornography, served monkey for lunch, and showed where his other pet monkey slept with Swinburne's lover. During the meal, Swinburne played with a flayed human hand. When Maupassant returned a few days later, he found Swinburne's lover shooting at a black man in the garden, while the pet monkey had been hanged from a tree. At lunch, he was fed liquor so strong he was nearly knocked out. He made his excuses and fled.
1.Gabriele D'Annunzio
Finally, we come to fascist crackpot Gabriele D'Annunzio. He was named after an angel but turned out to be a grotesque and sinister individual, having claimed, among other things, to have eaten the flesh of children. As a writer and poet, he was admired by Proust and Joyce. His 48 volumes of work explore the sensuous, brutal, erotic, and just plain bizarre. Needless to say, his works were banned by the Vatican.
He found academic work easy—he could write to his parents in six languages by the age of 16, but he also developed a contemptuous eye for the rest of the human race. Influenced by Nietzsche, he viewed himself as a superman above the common herd.
D'Annunzio entered politics in 1897, fled to France over debts in 1910, and became a fighter pilot during World War I. In this period, he became prominent for his nationalist and proto-fascist views. He believed it was necessary for Italy to win international respect by sacrificing the lives of its young in battle. His overblown rhetoric, racial views, balcony addresses, and use of black-shirted supporters to attack opponents were a big influence on Mussolini, who later sent D'Annunzio gifts including a plane and part of a battleship for his garden. His maddest venture came in 1919, when he and his supporters established their own city-state at Fiume after the Paris Peace Conference had given it to Croatia. D'Annunzio ran the city with a bizarre mixture of fascism and aestheticism. He instigated racially exclusive policies and a leadership cult while simultaneously including music as a fundamental part of the constitution and having the flowers around his bed changed thrice daily.
He was notably priapic, but he treated his conquests with disdain. He went through wives, actresses, and courtesans, and he expected sex with his housekeeper three times a day. It was rumored that he had ribs removed so that he could fellate himself. His final lover turned out to be a Nazi agent, who possibly killed him with poison.