3 Types of Business Lunches (and What You Can Get Out of Them)
Business lunches come in all shapes and sizes, from a department-wide learn at lunch session to a one-on-one interview with a prospective employer. To get the most out of any type of working lunch, you need to know what to expect, and prepare ahead of time.
商务午餐类型和规模多种多样,范围可以从整个部门的午餐学问到未来雇主的一对一面试 。要想从多样的工作餐中收获很多,你需要推测可能发生的事,并提前做好准备 。
Here are three types of working lunches, and how to maximize your time at each:
1. The job interview lunch.
Now is not the time to order anything messy. Skip meals you have to eat with your hands, and avoid sloppy sauces that might wind up on your face or worse, on your shirt. Lunch date rules apply here: don't drink alcohol, don't talk with your mouth full, and ask interested (and informed) questions.
现在可不是胡乱点菜的时候 。忽略手抓食物,避免那些可能会弄脏脸或衬衫的酱汁食物 。下面是适用于午餐约会的一些规则:不要喝酒,不要嘴里吃着东西说话,要问一些让别人感兴趣(显示自己知识面广的)的问题 。
2. The lunch and learn.
These events typically feature a speaker, often from outside your department or company, and focus on professional development, skills acquisition, or training. It's tempting to blow these lunches off, or attend and pay more attention to your food than the speaker. Fight the urge. The skills you pick up for free at these lunches can help you long after your time at the company is up.
工作餐的典型特征就是常常会有一位其他部门、公司的演讲者,并且演讲的主题涉及职业发展、技能习得和培训等方面 。把这些午餐吃光,或者专注于食物而不是演讲者,当然都会引人注意 。但是一定要战胜这种欲望 。在你从公司上一家公司辞职之后的很长一段时间里,这些在午餐中免费学习的技能都将对你大有裨益 。
3. The working lunch.
Perhaps the most dreaded of all professional lunches, these sessions are a multitasking challenge to say the least. Trying to eat and talk without talking with your mouth full is tricky all by itself.
或许最让人畏惧的就是那些职业性的午餐,退一步来讲,午餐时间的讨论实际上是多重任务处理的挑战 。既要吃,还不能嘴里含着东西讲话,这本身就是很需要技巧的 。
Ideally, the organizer will send around an agenda prior to the lunch. Pay attention to what's under discussion, and come prepared to brainstorm or ask questions or take in new information with an open ear.
理想情况下,组织者一般都会在午餐之前发给你一份详细的工作日程表 。要注意那些正在讨论的话题,并做好出主意、问问题或者广泛听取新消息的准备 。
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