Want a Big Favor? Don't Be Afraid to Ask
想要重大支持吗?那就不要害怕提出要求 。
President Obama will speak at UC Irvine's commencement ceremony this June. How did the school score the most powerful man in the country to speak at graduation? Simple: they asked.
奥巴马总统将会在加州大学欧文分校六月份的毕业典礼上发表演说 。这个学校是如何请到美国权力最大的人在毕业典礼上发言的呢?很简单:他们提出了请求 。
"We are thrilled that the President has accepted our invitation to deliver the keynote address at our commencement exercises this June," says Chancellor Michael V. Drake in a press release, which notes that the president's speech will commemorate the 50th anniversary of President Johnson's visit to break ground on the campus, just days after unveiling his Great Society agenda.
校长迈克尔在新闻发布会上谈到“我们很兴奋,因为总统接受了邀请并将在六月份的毕业典礼上做主题演讲” 。这表明在奥巴马总统揭开伟大社会日程的序幕之后,总统的演说将会成为约翰总统访问这一校区50周年的纪念 。
What does this have to do with your career? In short, if you don't ask, you don't get.
这和你的职业有什么关系呢?简而言之,如果你没有请求,你就不可能得到 。
Fear of Owing Something, or Looking Stupid
Our culture praises self-sufficiency, even though no one succeeds entirely on her own. Throughout our lives, we accept help from our family, friends, and community, often without thinking too much about it. It's harder, however, to ask a relative stranger to do you a solid than it is to apply for a Pell grant.
尽管没人是完全靠自己取得成功的,我们的文化还是崇尚自给自足 。我们一生中会受到家庭、朋友和社会的帮助,但是我们并未想太多 。然而,向比较陌生的人请求帮助,要比申请佩尔助学金困难得多 。
It's worth it to get over your fears of asking for help at work. Ideally, a functional unit is somewhat interdependent, relying on the combined strength of a group of people with different talents and skills. If you make sure to only ask for help from people you'd help yourself, you're just making the team better and your company more successful.
在工作中克服请求帮助的恐惧是很有意义的 。从理想上来说,每个功能单元在某种程度上都是相互关联的,并且需要依赖由具备各种技巧才能的人组成的集体力量 。如果你确信要向他人寻求帮助,那这就是对自己的帮助,并且你就能使团队变得更好、公司成就更大 。
Real Costs for Imaginary Risks
Every so often, a story comes along like that of the female professor who negotiated her salary and lost her job offer. Although much less common than tales of workers who lost hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of their lifetime by not negotiating, those few horror stories have a big impact. The nervous worker might think, "I just won't ask for anything, and then I won't be punished for it."
常常,故事会像“谈判薪资的女教授最后失业”的故事一样发展 。虽然这与“员工由于不谈判而在一生中丢掉了无数美元”的故事相比,并不是很普遍,但是这少量的恐惧故事还是影响比较重大的 。神经紧张的员工会这样认为:如果我什么都不要求,那么我就不会因为要求而受到惩罚 。
In actual fact, not asking is worse for your career than speaking up, whether you want more money in your own salary, more resources for a project, or a helping hand from another department. As long as you frame your requests constructively, and ask in a way that's acceptable in your corporate culture, you have much to gain from asking for what you need, and a lot to lose by keeping quiet -- including the respect of your manager, and a chance to move up the career ladder.
实际上,无论你想加薪、想增加项目资源,还是想要其他部门人员的帮助,对于你的事业来说,不请求的危害比勇敢提出请求的危害更大 。只要你采用建设性的方式来设计自己的要求,并且以企业文化所接受的方法来提出要求,那么你就会获得更多的所需之物,而保持沉默将会失去很多——包括经理的尊重和升职机会 。
Tell Us What You Think
Do you ask for what you want at work?