The film “Furious 7” has dominated the box office for the last two weeks, and now its screeching victory lap has extended to the music charts as well.
《速度与激情7》(Furious 7)过去两周蝉联票房冠军,如今又将横扫各大音乐排行榜。
The soundtrack, released four weeks ago by Atlantic Records, rises to No. 1 this week, helped by a huge push of popularity for the song “See You Again,” a tribute to Paul Walker, the actor in the film who died in a car crash in late 2013. In its latest week the soundtrack sold a modest 45,000 copies, according to Nielsen Music. But songs from it were listened to 11.6 million times on streaming services in the United States, helping send the album to the top in Billboard’s new chart math, which counts streams as well as sales.
大西洋唱片(Atlantic Records)在四周前发行的电影原声带,本周升至排行榜第一位,这在一定程度上是因为致敬电影主演保罗·沃克(Paul Walker)的片尾曲《See You Again》广受欢迎,沃克2013年底因车祸去世。尼尔森音乐(Nielsen Music)的数据显示,在最近一周,该唱片的销售量为4.5万张,表现一般。但唱片中的歌曲在美国流媒体服务上的播放次数达到1160万次,帮助该唱片登上了“公告牌”(Billboard)榜首,该排行榜将播放量和销售量作为衡量标准。
“See You Again,” by Wiz Khalifa and featuring Charlie Puth, becomes the new No. 1 single, ending a 14-week run by Mark Ronson’s “Uptown Funk.” (Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men, your 16-week record for 1995’s “One Sweet Day” is safe.) “See You Again” — which Wiz Khalifa performed on NBC’s “The Voice” last week — sold 464,000 downloads and had 25 million streams, according to Nielsen.
由维兹·哈利法(Wiz Khalifa)创作、查理·帕斯(Charlie Puth)参与演唱的《See You Again》成为冠军单曲,终结了马克·罗森(Mark Ronson)的《Uptown Funk》蝉联榜首14周的纪录。(玛丽亚·凯莉[Mariah Carey]与大人小孩双拍档[Boyz II Men]在1995年合唱的《One Sweet Day》蝉联榜单16周的纪录尚未被打破。)维兹·哈利法上周在NBC的《美国好声音》(The Voice)节目演唱了《See You Again》,据尼尔森透露,这首歌曲的下载量达到46.4万次,播放量达到2500万次。
The song has also broken records on Spotify, where it is the top-ranked track in 26 countries, from Sweden to Singapore. Spotify announced that “See You Again” garnered 21.9 million streams around the world last week, and on Monday it set a new record on the service for the most streams in a day, with 4.2 million.
这首歌还在Spotify上打破了纪录。在Spotify上,它是从瑞典到新加坡的26个国家的榜首歌曲。Spotify宣布,上周《See You Again》一共在世界范围内播放了2190万次;周一,它又在Spotify上创下新纪录,以420万次的播放量位居榜首。
“Uptown Funk” slipped to No. 2 on Billboard’s singles chart with 145,000 sales and 14.6 million streams. Since it came out in November, the song has been downloaded almost 5.4 million times in the United States, according to Nielsen.
《Uptown Funk》在“公告牌”的单曲排行榜上降至第二位,其销售量和播放量分别为14.5万和1460万。根据尼尔森统计,自11月发行以来,这首歌已经在美国被下载了近540万次。
Also on the album chart this week, the pop-punk band All Time Low reaches an all-time high of No. 2 with its latest release, “Future Hearts” (Hopeless), which had 75,000 sales and 2.6 million streams. The soundtrack to “Fifty Shades of Grey” (Republic) rose six spots to No. 3 and Maroon 5’s “V” (222/Interscope) jumped seven rungs to No. 4. But the next two spots on the chart are unmoved from last week: Taylor Swift’s “1989” (Big Machine) is in fifth place, and Sam Smith’s “In the Lonely Hour” (Capitol) holds at No. 6.
朋克乐队All Time Low也登上了本周的专辑排行榜,凭借新发布的《Future Hearts》(Hopeless)位居第二,为有史以来的最好成绩。《Future Hearts》的销量和播放量分别为7.5万和260万。由共和唱片(Republic)出品的《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)原声带上升了六位,成为第三;魔力红(Maroon 5)的《V》(222/Interscope)上升了七位,成为第四。但是榜单上的第五名和第六名仍与上周一样,分别是泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的《1989》(Big Machine)和山姆·史密斯(Sam Smith)的《In the Lonely Hour》(Capitol)。