Anxiety about the rapidly changing world of work — from robots to the growth of freelancing — is high. The threat of automation is no longer restricted to assembly lines, and is causing ructions in white-collar cubicles too. Such fear can be paralysing: why bother planning a career when your profession might disappear? Five writers looking at work trends outline their advice on future-proofing careers to Emma Jacobs.
Arianna Huffington
阿里安娜•赫芬顿(Arianna Huffington)
The co-founder and editor-in-chief of The Huffington Post recently stamped her mark on the topic through a conference on “the future of work”, organised in conjunction with the Berggruen Institute.
这位《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)联合创始人兼总编最近通过一次有关“未来工作”的会议谈到了这个话题,这次会议是与伯格鲁恩研究所(Berggruen Institute)合作组织的。
Ms Huffington, whose latest book Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life explores the challenges of a modern career, believes the best strategy is to be “endlessly adaptable, endlessly flexible”. In an era when devices are changing all the time and new platforms seem to pop up overnight, the only way to be ready for the future is to “embrace change as the only constant”.
赫芬顿写了一本新书,名为《兴旺:重新界定成功并缔造更幸福生活的第三标准》(Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life),探讨了现代职场的挑战。她认为,最佳战略是具有“无限的适应能力和无限的灵活性”。在这个设备永远在变化而且新的平台似乎层出不穷的时代,为未来做好准备的唯一方法是“把变化视为唯一的不变”。
The technological revolution under way is both a curse and a boon: “Technology might allow us to be creative but it also damages [creativity].” She does not see The Huffington Post, which does not pay its bloggers, as part of the problem. “We’ve created jobs.” The Huffington Post, she says, has 850 employees.
Most of the newer media companies, such as Facebook or Instagram, Ms Huffington argues, are platforms on which users post their own content for free because they enjoy it. “Self-expression has become an important hobby. When people watched television for seven hours, no one said they should be paid for doing so. If you care about your views and want to give them wider dissemination you use a platform.” Rather than knocking on 1,000 doors, she says, people blog to be noticed.
The Huffington Post was sold to AOL for $315m in 2011. Ms Huffington does not give her 23- and 25-year-old daughters job advice (one is developing a web show, the other is an artist), seeing her role as providing “unconditional support” and “encouraging them to take risks”. She reminds them not to worry too much. “Anxiety and self-doubt can strengthen the voice I call the obnoxious roommate living in our head.”