日期:2015-04-09 15:23


Japan’s salarymen are saying sayonara to the country’s culture of overwork — with the backing of prime minister Shinzo Abe.
日本上班族将要对该国的过度工作文化说再见——在首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)的支持下。
Long days in the office followed by long nights drinking with colleagues are as much a symbol of Japan as sushi or manga comics. But the culture has been blamed for several of the country’s ills, from its dearth of babies to lacklustre productivity, while a tight labour market is shifting the balance of power from companies to workers.

So, in a break with the past, Japan Inc is making a virtue of what is normal practice elsewhere in the world.
Trading house Itochu hopes to lure new graduates with earlier starting and finishing times, while printer maker Ricoh is banning work after 8pm. Fast Retailing, operator of the Uniqlo clothing chain, is looking to introduce a four-hour day for employees who want a better work-life balance.
贸易公司伊藤忠商事(Itochu)希望以更早的上下班时间来吸引应届毕业生,而打印机制造商理光(Ricoh)禁止晚上8点以后工作。优衣库(Uniqlo)服装连锁店的运营商迅销(Fast Retailing)正酝酿推出四小时工作日,迎合那些想要更好平衡工作与生活的员工。
“Even if working hours are short, we will pay more to the employee who produces a higher result. Long hours of work do not necessarily lead to higher performance,” said Tadashi Yanai, chief executive of Fast Retailing.
“即使工作时间很短,但我们将向业绩较高的员工支付更多薪酬。长时间的工作不一定带来更高业绩,”迅销总裁柳井正(Tadashi Yanai)表示。
Robot maker Fanuc, meanwhile, plans to woo recruits to its “inconvenient” headquarters at the foot of Mount Fuji by expanding its gym, and building a new tennis court and baseball field.
The corporate efforts to improve conditions chime with Mr Abe’s push to shake up the labour market, seen as a key plank of his growth agenda. And civil servants will also get a break.
Health ministry staff will be banned from working after 10pm from October after an earlier attempt to clear offices by switching off the lights failed.
The government last week also submitted a bill making it mandatory for workers to take at least five days of paid holiday a year.
Past attempts in Japan to improve the working environment have largely failed. Japan still has instances of karoshi — death by overwork — and many employees still feel guilty leaving early.
Japanese employees only took up half their holiday entitlement last year, unlike the French and Germans who used all their allowance, according to online travel agency Expedia. The only country ranked lower is South Korea.
