I have a cold. I have had a sore throat since yesterday, but I thought it might be from the people smoking at the bar Satyrday night. I don't smoke so I am very sensitive to cigarettes. It's worse this morning,though.
I was coughing all night and my nose is running. I'm stuffed-up, sneezing, and I have a headache. I hate being sick. I wanted to call in sick this morning, but I thought I might feel better if I went to work and stayed busy. I should have stayed home.
I cant't even concentrate and I feel terrible. I'm not too busy, so I think I will go home after lunch. I need to take care of myself and I don't want to give any of colleagues my virus.
Besides, maybe all I need is some rest, some chicken soup, and some vitamins. With any luck I will be good as new tomorrow.