日期:2015-04-10 11:23


The EU is collecting evidence to determine if Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy should face an investigation into whether they are illegally underwriting banks that have bolstered their capital with assets considered low-grade in the rest of the eurozone.

At issue are so-called deferred tax assets, which are accepted as core capital in the four southern European countries, but which are not regarded by the European Central Bank as “high quality”.
A full probe by Brussels into the legality of the way that governments guarantee these assets would pose a severe challenge for southern European banking systems that are still struggling to recover from the eurozone crisis.
Any withdrawal of government support for deferred tax assets could dramatically weaken some banks’ capital buffers, raising the spectre of another shock to Europe’s banks.
The European Commission is currently studying information requested from member states to establish whether the case merits a formal investigation. People familiar with the process said a “conversation” was now under way between member states and competition authorities in Brussels.
欧盟委员会(European Commission)当前正在研究其要求成员国提供的信息,以决定是否应该展开正式调查。知情人士称,欧盟成员国与欧盟竞争监管机构正在举行“会谈”。
