Bond investors are betting that US interest rates will remain near historic lows following mixed signals from the Federal Reserve, highlighting a persistent gulf in expectations between the central bank and markets.
债券投资者押注美国利率将保持在接近历史低点的水平,此前美联储(Federal Reserve)本周会议释放出的混合信号突显了该央行与市场预期之间持续存在的差距。
A day after the Fed dropped its pledge to be “patient” over lifting rates, traders were betting that its key interest rate would be just 1.80 per cent by the end of 2017. Market rates rose yesterday but investors’ forecasts are still well below the Fed’s own projections.
Tad Rivelle, chief investment officer for fixed income at TCW, said that the Fed was giving out conflicting messages on rates, describing its signalling as similar to a “Michael Jackson moonwalk”.
TCW固定收益产品首席投资官塔德•里韦尔(Tad Revelle)称,美联储在利率方面发出了相互矛盾的信息,形容它释放的信号类似于“迈克尔•杰克逊(Michael Jackson moonwalk)的月球舞步”。
“It looks like you are going one way but in fact you are moving in the other direction,” he said.
Janet Yellen, the Fed chairwoman, said on Wednesday that the majority of members of the Federal Open Market Committee were expecting rates to rise this year amid “considerable underlying strength” in the economy.
美联储主席珍妮特•耶伦(Janet Yellen)周三表示,在美国经济存在“相当大的根本层面力量”的大背景下,联邦公开市场委员会(FOMC)的多数成员预计今年将上调利率。
However, a series of reductions in the Fed’s interest-rate projections alongside forecasts of weaker growth and inflation prompted traders to conclude that the central bank was taking a more cautious view of the economy — even as it opened up its options on rates.
That suggested a move in June was now less likely and traders were betting that by the end of the year the funds rate would be about 0.50 per cent, representing a 0.25 percentage point tightening.
The interplay between currencies and central bank policy has anchored US bond yields at low levels, bolstering market expectations that the pace of the next tightening cycle will be modest.
Investors yesterday seized on the Fed’s decision to lower its estimate of the longer-term rate of unemployment to 5-5.2 per cent, suggesting that the US jobs market may have more slack than previously believed and allowing the FOMC to keep rates lower for longer.
Ms Yellen also highlighted the impact of the soaring dollar on the Fed’s assessment of export growth and inflation. While the dollar reflected the US economy’s strength, it would also act as a “notable drag” on net exports this year, she said, adding that it was pulling down import prices, pointing to low inflation for longer. The dollar had retraced most of its losses in the wake of the FOMC meeting, and was up 0.8 per cent against a basket of rivals late yesterday.
Alan Ruskin, strategist at Deutsche Bank said: “From a pure financial standpoint, the dollar’s strength has reached a magnitude that represents a drag on the economy.”
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)策略师艾伦•拉斯金(Alan Ruskin)称,“单纯从金融的角度来看,美元强势已经达到拖累经济的程度。”
Ms Yellen presides over a committee divided about when to lift rates: a day after her press conference, the Chicago Federal Reserve warned that the Fed risked triggering adverse shocks by raising rates too soon.
耶伦主持的委员会在何时加息的问题上意见分歧:在她举行记者会后的次日,芝加哥联储(Chicago Federal Reserve)警告称,美联储过早加息可能引发负面冲击。