Alibaba Group Holding has so far dominated China's e-commerce market, and its Taobao and Tmall marketplaces continue to attract hundreds of millions of online shoppers. But the alliance between Chinese e-commerce firm JD.com and social media giant Tencent Holdings , announced Monday, will likely create a strong competitor to Alibaba.
到目前为止,阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group Holding)一直在中国电子商务市场占据支配地位,旗下的淘宝(Taobao)和天猫(Tmall)网站吸引着数以亿计的网购者。但中国电子商务公司京东(JD.com)与社交媒体巨头腾讯控股有限公司(Tencent Holdings, 简称:腾讯控股)周一宣布的结盟可能会给阿里巴巴带来一个强大的竞争对手。
The deal, in which Tencent takes a 15% stake in JD, comes at a time when established Internet companies are scrambling to adapt to a new environment where more Chinese consumers use smartphones as primary Internet tools. The combination of Tencent's ability to attract smartphone users with its massively popular WeChat mobile messaging application, and JD's expertise in retail and logistics, could pose a threat to Alibaba when more e-commerce transactions occur through mobile devices, analysts say.
'For the first time ever, there will be a serious local contender to challenge Alibaba's dominance in e-commerce,' says Forrester Research analyst Bryan Wang.
Forrester Research分析师Bryan Wang说,这将是有史以来首次一个有实力的本地竞争者挑战阿里巴巴在电子商务领域的主导地位。
An Alibaba spokeswoman declined to comment on the tie-up between Tencent and JD.
While Alibaba runs marketplace sites that serve as venues where millions of merchants sell items, JD, like Amazon.com , runs its own online store that sells goods kept in its own warehouses. Beijing-based JD also operates its own delivery services.
Tencent, whose WeChat app has more than 272 million monthly active users, last year added an electronic payment function to the messaging tool, a step toward creating a broader mobile platform for other services such as video games and e-commerce.
To be sure, just because WeChat can occupy smartphone users' time and attention doesn't mean it can also make people want to do a lot of shopping. Efforts to connect communication and e-commerce could put off some users if the commercial intention becomes too obvious.
Still, there are ways for WeChat and JD to combine their services without annoying users too much, says Mr. Wang.
While Tencent and JD haven't said how exactly they will cooperate in e-commerce, Mr. Wang says that Tencent could, for example, make it possible for WeChat users to share their purchase history on JD's shopping site with their friends. At the same time, JD could also allow shoppers on the site to view what their WeChat friends have said about certain items.
'Chinese consumers take their friends' reviews very seriously,' says Mr. Wang.
Even so, Alibaba is still the most popular destination for online shopping for most Chinese consumers, either through personal computers or mobile phones, and challenging its position won't be easy. In November, on Alibaba's annual day of discounts called the 11.11 Shopping Festival, Taobao and Tmall generated more than $5.75 billion in sales just in 24 hours.
Alibaba, for its part, has made a series of acquisitions since last year to make its services more attractive to smartphone users. Last month, the company made a $1.13 billion offer to turn AutoNavi Holdings into a wholly owned unit, after it bought a 28% stake in the mobile map developer last year. Alibaba last year also bought an 18% stake in Sina's Weibo microblog, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, as a way to attract mobile users.
就阿里巴巴而言,该集团自去年以来开展了一连串的收购,以提升其服务对智能手机用户的吸引力。在去年购入高德软件有限公司(AutoNavi Holdings Ltd.) 28%的股份后,阿里巴巴上个月宣布将斥资11.3亿美元全盘收购高德,把这家手机地图软件开发商变成其全资子公司。为了吸引手机用户,阿里巴巴去年还购入新浪微博(Weibo)18%的股权。新浪微博类似于推特(Twitter)。
Tencent's deal with JD will put more pressure on Alibaba to further strengthen its mobile-based operations, while also improving its logistics and customer services, Mr. Wangs says.
'This will push Alibaba to change more quickly.'