LOS ANGELES — Huayi Brothers Media, a Chinese movie company with international aspirations, has publicly linked arms twice in the last three years with a Hollywood company only to have the deals fall apart at the last minute.
Will the third time be different or more of the same?
In a vague regulatory filing with the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Monday, Huayi Brothers said that it would co-produce, co-finance and distribute in China up to 18 movies with an unidentified United States film company. On Tuesday a person with knowledge of the plan, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss still-private aspects of a deal, said the company in question was STX Entertainment.
在周一提交给深圳证券交易所的一份模糊的披露文件中,华谊兄弟称,将与一家未具名的美国电影公司共同出资制作并在华发行最多达18部电影。周二,一名知情人士称,这家美国公司是STX娱乐(STX Entertainment)。由于谈论的是一笔交易的暂时保密的内容,此人要求匿名。
The news landed in Hollywood with a wait-and-see shrug. That is because Chinese investors, in particular Huayi Brothers, now have a track record in the movie capital of arriving with a splash and then vanishing. A much-promoted deal between Huayi Brothers and Legendary Entertainment, a company behind hits like “Godzilla” and “300,” collapsed in 2013.
好莱坞目前对这一消息并无太大反应,他们想要看看接下来会发生什么。这是因为中国的投资者,尤其是华谊兄弟,在电影投资方面常常是在引起轰动之后就销声匿迹。2013年,华谊兄弟和传奇娱乐(Legendary Entertainment)的一笔交易在大量的宣传之后破裂。传奇娱乐制作了《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)和《斯巴达300勇士》(300)等大片。
Last year, Huayi Brothers said it would invest upward of $120 million in a film venture lead by Jeffrey Robinov, an ousted Warner executive; that deal also fizzled.
去年,华谊兄弟称,将投资逾1.2亿美元(7.5亿元人民币)成立一家电影公司,由时代华纳的前高管杰夫·罗比诺夫(Jeff Robinov)掌管;这笔交易也以失败告终。
An STX spokesman, Steve Elzer, said in an email, “We don’t comment on rumors.” Huayi Brothers did not respond to a query.
STX的发言人史蒂夫·埃尔策(Steve Elzer)在一封邮件中说,“我们不对传闻发表评论。”华谊兄弟则没有回复记者的问题。
STX is a fledgling movie company backed by TPG Growth, Hony Capital and, among others, Gigi Pritzker, an heiress turned movie producer. Leading STX is a Robert Simonds, a producer of films like “Furry Vengeance” and “Cheaper by the Dozen,” and a group of executives who were pushed out of senior jobs at legacy studios like 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures.
STX是一家新成立的电影公司,投资方包括TPG Growth、弘毅投资(Hony Capital),以及电影制作人吉吉·普利兹克(Gigi Pritzker)。STX的管理层包括罗伯特·西蒙兹(Robert Simonds),以及一批曾在20世纪福克斯(20th Century Fox)和环球影业(Universal Pictures)等传统电影公司担任高级职位的高管。西蒙兹是《回到荒野》(Furry Vengeance)和《儿女一箩筐》(Cheaper by the Dozen)等影片的制作人。
STX is expected to release its first film next year.