The Local:奥地利十大怪(多图)
日期:2015-03-11 16:02


Austria is home to some weird andwonderful superstitions, with some of them still practised today. Ahead of thattraditionally inauspicious date - Friday 13th - weexplain ten of the most common Austrian superst itions.
在奥地利本土有许多怪异奇特的风俗迷信,其中有些还一直流传至今,在邻近“黑色星期五"这个不吉利日子前,我们 来见识一下奥地利的十个最常见的迷信。

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As a Catholic country, it's perhaps no surprise that Austria is steeped in superstition.
Some - like never walking under a ladder - you may have already heard of in your own home country while o thers are individual toAustria.
If the prospectof Friday 13th is troubling you, or youworry about breaking mirrors, here are ten other t hings to think about.

Eating raw sliced garlic mixed with yoghurt isbelieved to bring you good luck. We're not sure this would have the desiredeffect if taken before a first date though. It's also thought to be a powerfulcold remedy - which makes more sense, as garlic is believed to stimulate theimmune system.

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However, telling someone about your dreamsbefore you drink a glass of water is believed to bring bad luck.

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Austrians tend to bemodest about how successful they are, especiallywhen it comes to money. Perhaps this is because it's traditionally thought tobe bad luck to mention how successful you are - and if you are stupid enough tomention it, knock on wood to make sure you don't lose that good fortune.

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Bad things will happen to you if you sneezewhile looking at the new moon. Be careful when sneezing - it's also consideredbad luck to sneeze before breakfast.

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Austrians love nature. And some of them believethat if you have a headache it can be cured by going outside and resting yourhead against a tree for a few minutes.

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If a man owns a white horse, a white cow, awhite cat AND also happens to carry a white umbrella, most Austrians won't gonear him.

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Traditionally it was considered bad luck toride behind a bobtailed horse at a funeral - luckily this is something we don'thave to worry about so much these days.

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But here's something to watch out for - it is considered unlucky to enter a house with your left foot forward. A tricky one for those of us who have trouble telling their right from their left.

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There are quite a few superstitions aroundweddings in Austria. Traditionally, when a man wanted topropose he sent his friends or family members to represent his interests to thebride and her family. If anyone from the two families saw a blind man,a monk, or a pregnant woman before the proposal, the wedding would be doomedsince these were all believed to be bad omens. On the other hand, if they sawgoats, pigeons, or wolves, these were good omens.
在奥地利举行婚礼时会伴有不少风俗迷信。按照传统 ,当男方想安排他派个亲友团代他向新娘或娘家人提亲。如果双方在结亲前有人看到了个瞎子,出家人,或一个孕妇,这场婚礼注定因为这些而被认为有不好的兆头。相反,要是有人看到羊群,鸽群,或狼群就会被认为是个好彩头。

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In the old days it was considered unlucky for awoman to marry a man with a surname that started with the same letter as hers.A rhyme mothers would tell their daughters went: "To change the name andnot the letter, is to change the worst and not the better." An Austrianbride was not even supposed to practice writing her new name before thewedding.
在以前,要是一个女人嫁给了一个和自己一样的,名和字都是同一字母开头的男士,(例如:Amy Adams和Ryan Reynolds感觉就不好了)会被认为不会有什么好结果的。这时带有(同样)叠音字母名字的妈妈就会这样告诉他们的女儿:"赶紧去把名字改了。换个字母,把它改的越不一样越好。" 可以肯定地说这位奥地利新娘一定会趁在婚礼前会把他的新名练的好好的。

  • proposaln. 求婚,提议,建议
  • stimulatevt. 刺激,激励,鼓舞 vi. 起刺激作用
  • cown. 母牛,母兽 vt. 恐吓
  • remedyn. 药物,治疗法,补救 vt. 治疗,补救,矫正
  • laddern. 梯子,阶梯,梯状物 n. (袜子)抽丝 v.
  • sneezen. 喷嚏 vi. 打喷嚏
  • inauspiciousadj. 不吉的,恶运的;不祥的
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • tendv. 趋向,易于,照料,护理
  • rhymen. 韵,押韵,韵文 vt. 押韵,用韵诗表达 vi.