Standard Chartered has tapped former JPMorgan investment banker Bill Winters to be its new chief executive after a mass clear out of its executive team and board following a long period of shareholder discontent at the emerging markets-focused bank.
渣打银行(Standard Chartered)已任命前摩根大通(JPMorgan)投资银行家比尔•温特斯(Bill Winters)为新任首席执行官。此前,由于股东对这个专注新兴市场的银行长期不满,该行对其主管团队和董事会开展了一轮大换血。
Mr Winters, the former head of investment banking at JPMorgan, will in June replace Peter Sands, 53, as CEO at the London-listed bank, which has suffered two years of falling profits and growing pressure from its biggest shareholders for a change in top management.
曾任摩根大通投资银行主管的温特斯,将于今年6月接替现年53岁的冼博德(Peter Sands),担任渣打银行首席执行官。在此之前,该行已连续两年遭遇盈利下滑,其大股东们要求更换最高管理层的压力也越来越大。
In a radical shake-up of its board, the bank added in the statement on Thursday that Chairman Sir John Peace, 65, will also step down in 2016. It did not name his replacement. One of the leading contenders to replace Sir John is Naguib Kheraj, who is a non-executive director on the StanChart board and worked closely with Mr Winters at JPMorgan.
该行在周四的声明中补充说,在这轮董事会大换血中,该行董事长、65岁的庄贝思爵士(Sir John Peace)也将在2016年卸任。该行并未指明他的继任者是谁。目前,接替庄贝思爵士的最有力竞争者之一是纳吉布•凯拉吉(Naguib Kheraj),他是渣打银行董事会的非执行董事,也曾在摩根大通与温特斯密切合作过。
One person close to the board said 10 of the bank’s leading shareholders, including Singapore’s Temasek and Aberdeen Asset Management, had spoken up in recent days to say they wanted Mr Sands to go quickly and that had accelerated the bank’s succession plans.
一名与该行董事会关系密切的人士表示,最近几天,包括新加坡淡马锡(Temasek)和安本资产管理公司(Aberdeen Asset Management)在内的该行十大股东已作出表态,希望冼博德尽快离任,从而加快了该行的人事交接计划。
Shares rose 3.3 per cent to 957.22p after the announcement Thursday.