When I started as an energy client coverage investment banker at Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb in 1980, the personal computer had yet to be invented. Spread sheets were just that – large pads of lined paper and calculations were done in your head via “topside” analysis or one could be found furiously working an HP12C with a pencil and a large eraser nearby.
1980年,我正式进入投资银行业,开始负责雷曼兄弟库恩-洛布公司(Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb)的能源客户业务。当时,个人计算机还没有出现。数据表是厚厚的一本横格纸,你只能通过思维分析,在脑子里进行计算,或者你会看到人们拿着HP12C(老式)财务计算器拼命地工作,手边放着一支铅笔和一块大橡皮。
Today, 35 years later, I am still an investment banker, surprisingly at a legacy of the same firm at which I started – Barclays [Barclays bought the North American assets of Lehman out of bankruptcy]. Technology has radically changed – although I am not sure that a big eraser would not still be handy. And even as the geopolitical world has altered dramatically, the price of oil is again fueling volatility and uncertainty. Sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same. But there is always something new in the world of markets and finance as they synthesize economics, politics and technology. This is why I love working on Wall Street. I focus on providing clients – external and internal – effective and timely delivery of the best advice we have to offer on how to navigate markets and strategically position companies to grow. I continue to cover some energy clients, but my portfolio and platform has grown to include industries and companies I never imagined would exist as I sat there with my eraser in 1980.
I know there are not many women investment bankers – but there should be. Women are good at this business. Equally, if not more importantly, they are good for the business. So here are my three tips to all women who seek to thrive on Wall Street:
o Keep moving
o 勇往直前
Seek opportunities, learn new things – be an expert (of the moment) on a topic. Speak up and say yes to assignments that scare you a bit. It will keep you on your toes and when you are on your toes you will not “get stuck in the service line.” Instead, you can move to the opportunities – adjust course and meet the challenge. It is at the point of controversy and conflict where innovation and creativity happen. Go there.
o Stay engaged
o 拓展人脉
Investment banking is a people business. Build networks – internal and external. Engage your clients, colleagues and competitors. Mentor and sponsor people in the business – pay special attention to youth: their lack of filters and ability to see the “old as new” may present the next big “what if” opportunity. Look people in the eye when you engage: that’s building a relationship. Build trusted relationships. Always stand tall; tell the truth; and stay confident.
投资银行业是一个与人打交道的行业。建立人脉——包括内部和外部的人脉。与你的客户、同事和竞争对手建立良好的关系。为行业内的其他人提供指导和支持,尤其要关注年轻人:年轻人往往不懂得如何过滤信息,也缺乏“举一反三”的能力,而如果获得正确的指导,他们或许将迎来下一个重大机遇 。与人交往时要看着对方的眼睛:这样才能在你与对方之间建立一种关系,一种相互信任的关系。始终昂首挺胸;讲真话;保持自信。
o Laugh often
o 笑口常开
People say and do the craziest things. Sometimes life is not fair. And it can feel that way especially if you are the minority on a team. Assume that offenses do not stem from malice, but rather from ambition. Use humor to build bridges and laugh. Laugh often – because in 100 years we will all be gone.