Soon after Stuart Gulliverbecame chief executive of HSBC at the start of 2011 he hung a “for sale” sign on the Swiss private bank it had owned since completing the acquisition of a rival more than a decade earlier.
欧智华(Stuart Gulliver)2011年初出任汇丰(HSBC)行政总裁后不久,便着手挂牌出售汇丰瑞士私人银行。这家私人银行是十多年前汇丰从竞争对手那里收购来的。
Mr Gulliver abandoned the sale process after a lukewarm response from potential buyers. Yet given the furore this week over revelations of what had been going on at HSBC’s Swiss private bank at the time, it is easy to understand why he was eager to exit the business.
Leaked bank account documents for clients of HSBC’s Swiss private bank between 2005 and 2007 have found their way to the Washington-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and other news groups.
Consortium of Investigative Journalists)和其他新闻组织手中。
There are 60,000 leaked files, some of which provide details of how the bank was aware of tax-avoidance and wrongdoing by some clients. The total value held in the bank accounts exceeds $100bn for 100,000 wealthy clients. Yesterday news media published revelations about widespread tax-avoidance practices in HSBC’s Swiss operation at the time, prompting an outcry from some quarters about why governments — who have had these documents for almost five years — have not done more to prosecute people where appropriate.
“This is extremely damaging both for the bank and for the concept of banking secrecy,” says a rival Swiss banker, speaking on condition of anonymity.
“HSBC’s franchise was already pretty damaged here, which is why they tried to sell it a few years ago.”
The reports allege that HSBC’s Swiss private bank provided large, untraceable bricks of cash in foreign currencies to clients and colluded with them to conceal “black” accounts from tax authorities. Code names including Captain Kirk, Painter and Capitaine Haddock were used to disguise clients’ identities. It also “aggressively marketed” schemes likely to enable wealthy European clients to avoid taxes. France, Belgium and Argentina have launched formal probes into allegations that HSBC helped citizens of those countries to hide undeclared money in accounts at its Swiss private bank.
这些报道声称,汇丰瑞士私人银行向客户提供难以追踪的成捆外币现金,并与他们串通向税务部门隐瞒“黑”账户。“柯克船长”(Captain Kirk)、“油漆工”(Painter)和“阿道克船长”(Capitaine Haddock)等代号被用于掩饰客户的真实身份。它还“积极推销”一些很可能让富有的欧洲客户能够避税的方案。法国、比利时和阿根廷已针对有关汇丰帮助本国公民在汇丰瑞士私人银行隐匿未申报财产的说法启动了正式调查。
In the UK, investigations by the authorities have resulted in about £135m of unpaid tax, interest and penalties being handed over by the British citizens involved, only one of whom — Michael Shanly, a property developer — has been prosecuted for tax evasion.
在英国,有关部门展开的调查已导致涉案英国公民缴纳了约1.35亿英镑欠缴税款、利息和罚款,这些涉案公民中只有一人——地产开发商迈克尔•尚利(Michael Shanly)——已受到起诉,罪名是逃税。
HSBC said many private banks at the time, including its own Swiss operation, had “a number of clients that may not have been fully compliant with their applicable tax obligations. We acknowledge and are accountable for past compliance and control failures.”
The bank said: “We have taken significant steps over the past several years to implement reforms and exit clients who do not meet strict new HSBC standards.” It added that its private bank client base had shrunk 70 per cent in a decade.
It also said that the acquisition of Republic National Bank of New York and Safra Republic Holdings in 1999 — accounting for the bulk of its Swiss private bank — brought with it “a very different client base and had a significantly different culture to HSBC”.
汇丰还表示,1999年对纽约利宝银行(Republic National Bank of New York)和Safra Republic Holdings的收购(汇丰瑞士私人银行主要脱胎于此次收购),为它带来了“一个截然不同的客户群,(这块业务)有着与汇丰截然不同的文化。”
“The business acquired was not fully integrated into HSBC, allowing different cultures and standards to persist,” the bank said. “With hindsight, it’s clear that too many small and high-risk accounts were maintained and the business was stretched over more than 150 geographical markets.”
HSBC is one of several Swiss banks still being investigated by the US Department of Justice for allegedly helping American citizens to evade the taxman. UBS and Credit Suisse have settled with the DoJ, paying fines of $780m and $2.6bn respectively.
汇丰是仍在接受美国司法部(US Department of Justice)调查的几家瑞士银行之一,这些银行涉嫌帮助美国公民逃税。瑞银(UBS)和瑞信(Credit Suisse)已与美国司法部达成和解,分别支付了7.8亿和26亿美元罚款。
Switzerland has signed agreements with several European countries to allow clients of Swiss banks to declare money that had been hidden from tax authorities in return for paying the tax they owe, interest and potential fines.
Mr Gulliver has stressed the importance of keeping HSBC out of trouble since he took over. The bank paid almost $2bn in fines and signed a five-year deferred prosecution agreement with US authorities in December 2012 after admitting that it processed drug-trafficking proceeds through Mexico and transmitted funds from sanctioned countries including Iran.
The agreement puts it at risk of a criminal conviction and potential loss of its crucial US banking licence if it commits another crime in that period. The tax-dodging allegations relate to actions that happened before the deal.
There are signs that HSBC has been dismantling its private bank, which produced 3 per cent of the group’s $12.3bn of total pre-tax profits in the first half of 2014. Krishna Patel, HSBC’s global head of private banking, resigned in December 2012. Alexandre Zeller, head of global private banking for Europe, Middle East and Africa, left in February of that year. HSBC has pulled out of its stately Geneva lakefront offices in a sign of the depth of change at its Swiss operations.
有迹象显示,汇丰已在剥离其私人银行业务——2014年上半年,后者创造的利润占该集团总计123亿美元税前利润的3%。汇丰私人银行业务全球主管克里希纳•帕特尔(Krishna Patel)于2012年12月辞职,欧洲、中东和非洲地区全球私人银行业务主管亚历山大•泽勒(Alexandre Zeller)于那一年的2月离职。汇丰已撤出了其位于日内瓦湖畔的富丽堂皇的办公室,标志着其瑞士业务经历了多么深层的调整。
Last year, it sold $12.5bn of Swiss private banking assets to Liechtenstein’s LGT Group, cutting its total assets by 15 per cent. In recent months, rival bankers have started to speculate that Mr Gulliver will once again look for a full exit.
去年,汇丰将125亿美元的瑞士私人银行资产出售给了列支敦士登的LGT Group,相当于这块业务之前资产的15%。近几个月,对手公司的银行家开始猜测,欧智华将再次寻求全盘退出这块业务。