How do you describe yourself on LinkedIn? Are you ‘motivated’? ‘Passionate’? How about ‘creative’?
You may truly be all these things, but if you list them on your LinkedIn profile you certainly aren’t original. That’s because for the fifth consecutive year, LinkedIn has analyzed its English-language profiles and released a list of the top 10 overused buzzwords : ‘Motivated,’ ‘passionate’ and, somewhat ironically, ‘creative’ top the list.
Other overused offenders include stock resume adjectives such as ‘driven,’ ‘responsible’ and ‘expert,’ along with jargon-y fillers, including ‘extensive experience’ ‘organizational’ and ‘track record.’
Check out the full list, both in the U.S. and globally, below.
Top 10 Most Overused Buzzwords – 2014 US List
1. Motivated
2. Creative
3. Passionate
4. Driven
5. Extensive experience
6. Organizational
7. Strategic
8. Track record
9. Responsible
10. Problem solving
Top 10 Most Overused Buzzwords – 2014 Global List
1. Expert
2. Motivated
3. Passionate
4. Creative
5. Driven
6. Extensive experience
7. Responsible
8. Strategic
9. Track record
10. Organizational