How does she expect us to do THAT? Bearcubs look terrified as they watch their mother show them how to fish.
These adorable cubs can't bear to look away as their mother plunges into a lake to catch their lunch.
The cubs stood on their hind legs andwatched in wonder as their dad used his claws to scoop up salmon from the Kuril Lake in Russia.
The lake in the Kamchatka peninsula isknown for having large red salmon.
Photographer Sergey Ivanov, 53, approached the bears by boat and captured the cubs anxious wait to see what their mother could catch.
The 53-year-old said the lake 'attracts a lot of bears'.
He said: 'Bears are very popular in this area and in the mouth of the river there can be around 20 bears gathering at a time.
'They spend the whole day fishing and Ijust watch so the bears get used to my presence and do not really pay any attention to me - I try to not impede them in any way.
'It was very interesting for me to observe the life of this big family and especially to witness their relationships.'
'The reactions of the cubs were incredible - the bears displayed so much emotion.'
The photographer first visited the lake in the mid-90s and has been returning ever since in a bid to snap the bears inaction.
Mr Sergey said: 'I saw bears there for the first time in 1995 and even 20 years on they are still my favourite object for photoshooting.'