People are divided in this throwaway society where things get abandoned easily and deleting anything is as easy as pressing a button.
While digital cameras have taken hold of the art of photography due to their ubiquity, some shooters still hold a tight emotional connection to film cameras.
In a disposable society, the choice between cameras also reflects people’s lifestyle choices.
Enjoying the process
Shooting in film can be labor intensive, and it never offers the instant gratification of seeing the image after clicking the shutter. But vintage camera lovers view shooting film as a fun and meaningful process.
James Alan Figy,the staff writer and photographer at Angie’s List in the US sees shooting film as an exercise in surprising oneself.
詹姆斯•艾伦•菲戈是美国本地服务点评网站Angie’s List的撰稿人兼摄影师。对他而言,摄影就是一场不断取得惊喜的练习。
“It’s fun because I have to adjust the shutter speed and aperture manually,” Figy said. “Seeing which photos will turn out well once developed is always a surprise.”
Digital cameras provide unprecedented efficiency. People set them to auto mode and click the shutter before, all of a sudden, hundreds of ideal photos appear on the screen. Additionally, by utilizing imaging software, photos can be easily manipulated as well as displayed online.
As a result, people see thousands of photos on social media, like they walk by all kinds of restaurants on the street, but only a few can truly impress them.
Student photographer Zhou Yuting, 25, thinks shooting on film helps him slow down.
“This digital age makes photography relatively cheap, which deprives people of the enjoyment of the process of photography,” said the graduate business administration student at Zhejiang University of Technology. “Shooting in film allows me to put in all my thoughts and life experience before clicking the button, which gives me the feeling of being a craftsman.”