Woody Allen has joined the top Hollywood directors flocking to new digital video streaming services after striking a deal with Amazon to write and direct a television series.
伍迪•艾伦(Woody Allen)已与亚马逊(Amazon)签约,为后者编导一部电视连续剧,目前很多好莱坞顶级导演纷纷加入新兴数字视频流媒体服务。
Amazon’s recruitment of the acclaimed 79-year-old director follows its triumph at this week’s Golden Globes, when Transparent, its series about a transgender father, won two awards, beating rivals from broadcast and cable television.
在亚马逊与这位享有盛誉的79岁导演签约之前,在本周的金球奖(Golden Globes)上,亚马逊旗下的《透明人生》(Transparent)获得两个奖项,击败了来自无线和有线电视台的竞争对手。这部电视剧讲述的是一个变性父亲的故事。
The rise of Amazon and its rival, Netflix, highlights how viewers are increasingly turning to streaming so they can watch shows on demand without the need for expensive cable or satellite subscriptions.
Top Hollywood figures are migrating to these new services. David Fincher, the director of The Social Network , helped Netflix blaze a trail with House of Cards while Lana and Andy Wachowski, directors of The Matrix films, are also making a series for Netflix.
好莱坞一线导演正转向这类新服务。电影《社交网络》(Social Network)导演大卫•芬奇(David Fincher)借助《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)帮助Netflix实现了创新,电影《黑客帝国》(The Matrix)导演拉娜•沃卓斯基(Lana)和安迪•沃卓斯基(Andy Wachowski)也在为Netflix制作一部连续剧。
These directors have not abandoned established TV networks. Mr Fincher has a series in the works at HBO, the Time Warner-owned premium cable network. However, the distinction between film, television and the new generation of streaming services has blurred.
这些导演没有放弃老牌电视台。芬奇正筹备为时代华纳(Time Warner)旗下的收费有线网络HBO制作一部电视剧。然而,电影、电视和新一代流媒体服务的界限已变得模糊起来。
Amazon’s deal with Mr Allen is for a series of half-hour episodes, which will be available to subscribers of its Prime Instant Video service in the US, UK and Germany.
根据与亚马逊签订的协议,艾伦将制作一部每集半小时的电视连续剧,将在亚马逊在美国、英国和德国的Prime Instant Video服务上播出。
“Woody Allen is a visionary creator,” said Roy Price, vice-president of Amazon Studios. Mr Allen said: “I don’t know how I got into this. I have no ideas and I’m not sure where to begin. My guess is that Roy Price will regret this.”
亚马逊工作室(Amazon Studios)副总裁洛伊•普莱斯(Roy Price)表示:“伍迪•艾伦是一位有远见的创作者。”艾伦表示:“我不知道是怎么到这一步的。我现在没有创意,也不确定从哪里开始。我猜洛伊•普莱斯会后悔的。”