The oversized footwear is the latest in the current trend of statement sneakers, and they are certainly a blingy alternative if you’re after a bit of sparkle on your ‘dad’ trainers.
‘crystals set in engraved metal casings, embroidered onto a removable elastic strap that wraps around the shoe. Featuring a mix of metallic leather, mesh and reflective fabric, the accessory is defined by the Gucci patch with the graphic font of SEGA.’
One said, ‘maybe I’m just hungry but those soles remind me of Caramacs.’
Another commented, ‘didn’t know the latest in fashion colour scheme was inspired by the chocolate bar Caramac.’
One woman said, ‘Inspired by the hiking world??? What kind of hike would that be?’ with another responding, ‘I would think that would be a price hike. A massive one.’
Caramac is the brand name for a caramel-flavoured bar that was created by Mackintosh's, and is now manufactured by Nestlé. It was first introduced in the United Kingdom in 1959. The name is derived from the syllabic abbreviation of Caramel and Mackintosh.
The bar is a pale yellow colour, and is manufactured using sweetened condensed milk, butter, various flavourings, and sugar. It is packaged in an orange-red and yellow wrapper.
Caution: It is a kind of food that is super high in calories.
Emmm, not quite a good message for a fashion brand, right?