Anita Fung, head of HSBC’s Hong Kong operation, is stepping down from running its biggest geographical source of profit as the bank creates a new role to oversee all of Greater China amid efforts to expand and broaden its business platform in the region.
汇丰(HSBC)香港区行政总裁冯婉眉(Anita Fung)将要离任,不再负责该行盈利最多的地理区域,同时该行将创建一个执掌整个大中华区业务的新职位。目前汇丰努力在亚洲扩张业务,并拓宽其业务平台。
Helen Wong, chief executive of its Chinese operation, will run Hong Kong until a successor is found and will take on a new position as head of Greater China for HSBC in March, according to an internal memo.
据一份内部备忘录透露,汇丰中国区行政总裁黄碧娟(Helen Wong)将代管香港业务,直至找到继任者。黄碧娟还将从3月起出任汇丰大中华区总裁。
HSBC has benefited from its historical dominance of Hong Kong — a city where it is still often referred to locally as “the bank”. Together with Hang Seng Bank, its subsidiary, it still controls one-third of the local lending market and holds about the same in deposits.
汇丰得益于其在香港的传统主导地位,在香港,人们仍经常把汇丰称为“洋行”。若加上其子公司恒生银行(Hang Seng Bank),汇丰仍控制香港三分之一的贷款市场,吸纳存款的份额也大致相同。
Last year it made $8.1bn of pre-tax profits in Hong Kong — more than a third of the group’s total. The rest of Asia — including China — contributed another third.
Ms Wong, who has worked for HSBC for 22 years and has run its China operations since 2010, will be based in Hong Kong and report directly to Asian chief executive Peter Wong. The heads of Hong Kong, Taiwan and China will report to her.
黄碧娟任职于汇丰已有22年,自2010年以来执掌该行中国区业务。她将常驻香港,并向汇丰亚洲行政总裁王冬胜(Peter Wong)直接汇报。香港、台湾和中国区业务的主管将向她汇报。
Mr Gulliver has said he wants the bank to either substantially lift its holding in Bank of Communications, China’s fifth biggest bank, from 19 per cent or increase its mainland China branch network from 110 to about 800.
汇丰首席执行官欧智华(Stuart Gulliver)表示,他希望要么大幅增持汇丰在中国第五大银行——交通银行(Bank of Communications)所持股份(目前为19%),要么扩充汇丰自身在中国内地的分行网点,从110家增至大约800家。
He had given responsibility for the Chinese expansion to Ms Fung and Ms Wong. But at the end of June, HSBC had only 167 branches in mainland China, with 24 rural bank outlets and 50 Hang Seng Bank outlets.
Ms Wong will be replaced as head of China by David Liao, who runs its markets business in the country.
黄碧娟的中国区行政总裁职务将由汇丰在中国的资本市场总监廖宜建(David Liao)接替。