So you want to be a better you this year, and have the life you say you want, the ever elusive dream. The dream that lingers year after year until you know if you don`t do something about it, you will simply fade into oblivion.
Now the New Year is here! What will you do? Will you once again set intentions and resolutions only to be disappointed? Or will you set intentions and resolutions, create a plan and move into action.
Now you may be thinking, create a plan, is she crazy? I don`t have time for that! I`m already busy enough and she wants me to take time from my busy life and create a plan. Yes, you`re exactly right! I know that life can be very busy and without a plan, your dream will remain a dream.
Life is about choosing. Claiming and using your right to choose is very important in having the life you say you want, turning your dream into reality. Throughout the year, when you find that you`re wavering, ask, "is this my dream and how bad do I want it". If you`re motivated by your answer, you know you`re on the right track.
So that this year will be different and since you`ve waited to get started, here are some tips to help you make meaningful resolutions and set intentions that support you in having the life you say you want. Your dream is awaiting your action.
1. Take an in depth look at your life, who you are and how you show up.
2. Decide if this is the way you want your life to be 365 days from now.
3. Give yourself permission to move in the direction of the life you say you want.
4. Chart your course; set goals toward achieving your dream life.
5. Do something daily that takes you closer to your dream.
6. Keep a journal of your progress.
7. Celebrate something daily.
8. This is about you and for you.
9. Ask for help when you need to.
10. Express gratitude daily.
Each day is a new opportunity to choose. Just in case you`re wondering where to start, my friend Sallie Felton gives excellent advice with, "Start where you stand."
Saying that you want something different without thinking and acting differently ensures that you continue to have your pipe dream. Are you willing to stop procrastinating and start doing? Imagine the difference you will experience knowing that you took full responsibility and control in creating the life you say you want!
Wishing you joy, health, prosperity and love in the New Year!