The administration of Mayor Bill de Blasio is poised to introduce legislation next week that would eliminate the New York City horse-drawn carriage industry, fulfilling a promise by the mayor to animal-rights activists who played an important role in securing his campaign victory last year.
市长比尔·白思豪(Bill de Blasio)已经带领行政班子严阵以待,他们将于下个星期(指12月18日当周——译注)引入一项立法,取缔纽约市的马车行业,以落实他作为市长曾对动物权益活动者做出的承诺。因为这些活动人士在他去年赢得竞选的过程中,扮演了一个重要角色。
Mr. de Blasio had pledged “on Day 1” to rid Central Park of its signature four-legged tourist attraction, a Victorian vestige that has been denounced as torture by activists who say the animals are mistreated and vulnerable to accidents when traversing Midtown streets.
But the mayor’s efforts quickly turned into a steeplechase, with city officials stymied for months by union protests (the industry includes dozens of blue-collar jobs), celebrity ripostes (Liam Neeson made a well-publicized visit to the local stables) and legal and regulatory snags.
但这位市长的努力立刻变成了一场跑马障碍赛。市政府的官员们连月来受到了百般阻挠,比如工会的数次抗议(该行业涉及了数十种蓝领工作),名人的还击(利亚姆·尼森[Liam Neeson,演员,曾主演《辛德勒的名单》——译注]大张旗鼓地拜访了当地的几个马厩),还有法律和法规层面的阻碍。
Now, Mr. de Blasio’s team is unveiling a bill that would phase out the industry by the middle of 2016, while offering soon-to-be-unemployed carriage drivers a carrot of sorts: job training classes and a waiver of most fees for licenses to operate “green” taxicabs, which can pick up passengers outside the busiest parts of Manhattan.
The bill would also prohibit the use of horse-drawn carriages throughout the city, with exceptions allowed for film sets and some parades.
The legislation, described by three people familiar with its contents, would first have to pass the City Council, whose members are mixed on the proposal. A vote is not expected until next year, and a spokesman for the Council speaker, Melissa Mark-Viverito, said she was still reviewing the bill, which was first reported by Capital New York.
据三位熟知该立法内容的人士描述,这项法案首先必须在市议会获得通过,而市议会的议员却对这项法案意见不一。投票表决要到明年才有望进行,而市议会议长的一位发言人梅丽莎·马克-瓦维瑞托(Melissa Mark-Viverito)说,她还在审阅这项法案。此法案是由网络媒体Capital New York首先公布的。
Carriage horses in Central Park — a Manhattan fixture for more than a century — remain broadly popular with the public, and Mr. de Blasio’s effort to remove them has been lampooned on the cover of The New Yorker and assailed by The Daily News, which embarked on a campaign to “Save Our Horses!”
中央公园里那些驾车的马儿,近百年来一直是曼哈顿一道不变的风景,时值今日仍广受公众喜爱。所以白思豪要取缔马车的尝试,在《纽约客》(The New Yorker)的封面上被狠狠讽刺了一番,还遭到《每日新闻》(The Daily News)的攻击,该报发起了一场以“拯救我们的马!”为主题的宣传攻势。
But for the mayor, embracing the equine cause was a windfall before it was a headache.
NYClass, a small but vocal group of animal-rights activists, endorsed Mr. de Blasio in last year’s mayoral race, calling him an “animal hero” after he pledged opposition to the horse-carriage trade.
That placed Mr. de Blasio, a proud populist, in the odd position of opposing a working-class industry populated by Irish immigrants. And despite talk about curbing the influence of money in politics, Mr. de Blasio did not object when a “super PAC” financed by NYClass spent roughly $1 million on ads attacking his major opponent in the Democratic primary, Christine C. Quinn.
但这就把白思豪这位骄傲的民粹主义者摆在了一个突兀的位置上,与一个由爱尔兰移民组成的工人阶级为主的行业,形成了对立。尽管白思豪声称,要限制金钱对政治的影响力,但他并没有反对一个受NYClass资助的“超级PAC组织”(Political Action Committee,政治活动委员会) 花费近100万美元(约合人民币615万),来通过宣传攻击白思豪在民主党初选中的劲敌,克里斯汀·C·奎因(Christine C. Quinn)。
After Mr. de Blasio took office, his administration struggled to find feasible ways to check the carriage industry, batting about ideas like installing stables in Central Park. Animal-rights advocates also stepped up pressure, telling the mayor in a recent meeting that they were prepared to finance an ad campaign and mail pamphlets directly to voters.
The donors behind NYClass, which is led by a local real-estate and parking-garage magnate, include several of Mr. de Blasio’s biggest campaign supporters — among them a labor group led for years by his cousin, which contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to NYClass.
The close ties between Mr. de Blasio’s campaign and NYClass have drawn scrutiny, with critics accusing the mayor of a quid pro quo. (Mr. de Blasio has said his opposition to horse carriages comes from genuine concern for the animals’ welfare.) Federal investigators have also examined the actions of a political affairs firm that worked with NYClass on its ads during the campaign.
Allie Feldman, the executive director of NYClass, applauded Mr. de Blasio on Monday, saying in a statement: “This is the right creative solution that benefits all New Yorkers by adding jobs while also ending an unsafe and inhumane industry.”
本周一(指12月1日——译注),NYClass的常务董事艾莉·费尔德曼(Allie Feldman)夸赞了白思豪。她在一份陈述中说:“这是一个有创意的正确解决方案,不仅增加了就业,同时又终结了一个不安全且不人道的行业,从而造福了所有纽约人。”
The Teamsters union local representing the Central Park carriage drivers objected in strenuous terms. “This is awful news to give a working family just before the holidays,” George Miranda, president of the Teamsters local, said in a statement.
代表中央公园马车夫的当地车夫工会(The Teamsters union local)以激烈的言辞提出了反对。“这是一个工薪家庭在圣诞节前夕听到的最可怕的消息,”当地车夫工会的主席乔治·米兰达在发表的一份声明中说。
Mr. de Blasio, asked about the legislation after an event in Harlem on Monday morning, offered a simple and blunt reply.
“We think it’s time to end horse carriages in the city,” the mayor said, “and we’re going to act on it.”