If you have ever shopped for a new home,you know that it can sometimes seem like a wild roller-coaster ride. Well, theDutch real estate company Huizen Promoter took thatconcept quite literally by installing an actual roller coaster throughout theinside and outside of a home on the market.
Potential buyers get in the coaster car andtake off for a ride throughout the home and then around the outside. They whizby the kitchen, through the living room, and up the stairs, all from thecomfort of a roller-coaster seat. If you want to see just how Huizenpulled off the stunt, the company uploaded amaking-of video to itsYouTube page. Homeowner Marjan Kraaij says the company approached herdaughter with the idea and they could not turn it down, adding, “After all, Idid want to sell the house.” The team that helped build the contraption saidthat they researched home coasters online.
潜在买家坐着山车先游览室内,之后再绕行室外。他们可以舒服地坐在过山车的座位里快速经过厨房、起居室,并登上楼梯。如果你想知道赫伊曾是如何完成这个绝技的话,该公司将制作过程的视频上传到了该公司的视频网站页面。房主Marjan Kraaij说这家公司跟她女儿说了他们的想法,他们觉得这是个不应拒绝的主意,她还说,“毕竟,我想要卖掉房子”。协助建造这个装置的团队说,他们在网上调研过家用过山车装置。
Huizen Promoter's slogan is, appropriately,"Get more attention for your house." And while the roller-coaster idea might beits craziest one yet, during the month of December, the company is offeringunique options to boost exposure of homes for sale, such as bus-stop posters,mega highway billboards, and airplane banners. No word yet if the home has beensold; however, if I were the buyer, I would demand that the coaster stay put!