2014年度维多利亚的秘密(Victoria’s Secret)时尚秀于周二晚上在英国伦敦揭幕,维密的天使们正跃跃欲试。该品牌由美国商人罗伊•雷蒙德于1977年创立,多年来一直保持强劲的销售势头,是女士们熟知的内衣品牌。维密是全美规模最大的内衣连锁商,店面超过1,000家(截至2014年8月2日)。公司现任首席执行官是莎伦•杰斯特•特尼,于2006年接掌公司。
But there are many surprising facets of the company that may not be so well-known as its recognizable products. Ahead of today’s event, here are seven facts about the business – both good and bad – that may come as a surprise about the retail giant.
1. It's been enmeshed in ad campaign controversy.
At the end of October, Victoria's Secret came under fire for it "Perfect Body" campaign, which features ad copy playing on its "Body" lingerie line. The text, of course, is featured on supermodels' bodies, suggesting they're the ones with the ideal form. Customers, however, weren't amused. Over 16,000 signed a petition in the U.K. claiming the marketing ploy screamed of body-shaming.
今年10月底,维密针对旗下名为“Body”的文胸系列进行的“完美身材”(Perfect Body)宣传活动引发众怒。在该公司的宣传图片上,“完美身材”的字样印在超模的身体上,暗示超模们拥有最为完美的身材。这就让消费者们不乐意了。在英国,超过16,000人发起请愿,指控这种宣传是明目张胆地搞身体歧视。
But Victoria's Secret listened to the cries - at least partially. By the beginning of November, the lingerie company changed its wording online. Retail stories, however, still feature the "Perfect Body" text to the dismay of some customers.
2. The company's at the forefront of digital bra tech.
That's right. Even Victoria's Secret has entered into the wearable technology business. For just over $70, customers can purchase "Incredible by Victoria's Secret," a heart-rate monitor compatible sports bra, according to its website. The high-tech undergarment comps in either "Hello Lovely" pink or "Black Marl," a grey and black toned version. "Perfect for running, boxing and high-impact workouts, our truly Incredible maximum support sport bra is on the front lines of fitness with sensors that attach to most heart-rate monitors," according to the product description. Interestingly, however, it comes with heart rate sensors, but no monitor. "Use with most clip-on heart rate monitors by leading brands," the description continues.
你没看错。维密甚至还涉足到可穿戴设备领域。据维密官方网站透露,消费者只用花70多美元,就可以购买一款名为“Incredible by Victoria's Secret”、可与心率监控器兼容的运动文胸。这款高科技内衣有两种色系可选,分别为粉色的“Hello Lovely”和灰黑色调的“Black Marl”。网站对该款产品的介绍是:“本款运动文胸为您提供不可思议的最大支持度,尤其适合跑步、拳击和高强度的健身运动,并且可与大多数心率监控器兼容,是健身领域的前卫产品。”但有趣的是,该产品配有心率感应器,却没有监控器。产品介绍也说了:“可与各大品牌的卡夹式心率监控器配合使用。”
3. It's growing financially.
In terms of sales per square foot, Victoria's Secret has been steadily rising over the last three years, according to its most recent annual report. For example, in 2011, sales per average selling square foot came in at $754. In 2012, that number rose to $817 and then up a little to $824 in 2013. Additionally, taking a look at the sales average per store shows the same slight increases year-to-year. For instance, the numbers (in thousands) were $4,453 for 2011, $4,892 for 2012 and $4,969 for 2013.
4. The company's opening up stores both in the U.S. and around the world.
In its annual report from 2014, Victoria's Secret said it's opening up more stores in the U.S. from 1,019 to 1,060, according to its latest annual report. In other parts of the world, it also saw stores grow, including going from 26 to 34 in Canada and from just two to five in the U.K.
5. The company's models wear bras worth millions.
Ever since model Claudia Schiffer wore a $1 million bra in 1996, the values of the bejeweled articles of clothing have skyrocketed with each year, according to an E! Online report. Known as the Victoria's Secret Fantasy Bra model, there will be two at this year's fashion show: Alessandra Ambrosio and Adriana Lima. But their pieces will be worth double, complete with diamonds, rubies and sapphires.
据好莱坞娱乐网站E! Online爆料,自从克劳迪娅•希弗在1996年佩戴了一款价值百万美元的文胸以来,这种缀满宝石的服饰价值一路上涨。今年的维密时尚秀将有两位“维密梦幻文胸(Fantasy Bra)”超模登场——亚历桑德拉•安布罗休和阿德瑞娜•利马。她们佩戴的文胸将缀满钻石、红宝石和蓝宝石,价值也翻了一番。
Two million dollars isn't even the most costly bra worn by a model in a show. In fact, E! Online reported that models Heidi Klum and Gisele Bündchen wore $12.5 million designs in 2001 and 2005, respectively.
但是,对于时装展示会上模特穿戴的文胸而言,200万美元谈不上最贵。据E! Online透露,海蒂•克拉姆和吉赛尔•邦臣分别在2001年和2005年佩戴的文胸价值高达1,250万美元!
6. The company is owned by L Brands.
6. 公司由L Brands持有。
Victoria's Secret falls under the umbrella of L Brands ( LB 0.30% ) , a company founded and still headed by Leslie Wexner. Along with Victoria's Secret, the company owns other retail stores Bath and Body Works, Pink, La Senza and Henri Bendel. "In 1963, Les founded L Brands with one store in the Kingsdale Shopping Center in Columbus, Ohio - The Limited - with sales of $160,000 the first year," the company's website boasts. "Under Les' leadership, L Brands has evolved from an apparel based specialty retailer to an approximately $10 billion segment leader with more than 90,000 associates focused on lingerie, beauty and personal care product categories that make customers feel sexy, sophisticated and forever young."
维密隶属于L Brands公司旗下,该公司的创始人是莱斯利•卫克斯奈,目前依然执掌大权。随着维密的发展,该公司逐渐拥有了Bath and Body Works、Pink、娜圣莎(La Senza)和Henri Bendel等零售店铺。“1963年,莱斯在俄亥俄州的哥伦布创建L Brands,当时这家有限责任公司在Kingsdale 购物中心(Kingsdale Shopping Center)只有一间店铺,第一年的销量是16万美元”,该公司的网站上如是介绍,“在莱斯的领导下,L Brands迅速从一家服饰专业零售商演变成为市值约100亿美元的专业市场领军者,旗下拥有超过9万间联属公司,各自专注于内衣、美容和个人护理产品类别,为顾客带来性感、精致和青春永驻的美好感受。”
7. Taylor Swift: Victoria's Secret brand ambassador and buddy?
7. 泰勒•斯威夫特:维密品牌大使和好伙伴?
In many ways, the last couple months have been all about Taylor Swift. She was on the cover of Time, she released her latest album, 1989, she's been a New York City ambassador, had a public feud with Spotify and, now, will be performing at the Victoria's Secret show - for the second consecutive year. She's also apparently chummy with a number of the Angels, according to InStyle. For instance, the site reported that she hung out with Karlie Kloss, Lily Aldridge, Candice Swanepoel and Behati Prinsloo in London ahead of the show.
从很多方面来说,过去几个月泰勒•斯威夫特都是媒体的宠儿。她上了《时代》(Time)杂志的封面,推出了最新专辑《1989》,她还是纽约市的大使,曾经和Spotify发生过公开冲突,现在,她出现在维密的秀场上——连续第二年为维密走秀。根据时尚网站 InStyle的说法,她显然和很多“天使”(维密时尚秀中的世界顶级模特的代称——译注)都合得来。比如该网站报道,在演出之前,她曾和卡莉•克劳斯、莉莉•奥尔德里奇、坎蒂丝•斯瓦内普尔和贝哈蒂•普林斯露等一众姐妹一起在伦敦逛街。