A Canadian family lived with a corpse intheir upstairs bedroom for six months because they believed the deceased manwould be resurrected if they prayed, but the body was discovered when the family was evicted for not paying the mortgage.
Kaling Wald, 50, pleaded guilty to failing to notify police that her husbandhad died, an offense under the provincial Coroner's Act, and was sentenced on Monday to probation and counseling, her lawyer told Reuters on Tuesday.
现年50岁的Kaling Wald因未告知警方其丈夫已经离去的事实承认了自己的罪行,根据地方验尸官法案这构成了犯罪。她的律师周二对路透社说,周一,她被判缓刑并接受了心理咨询。
Peter Wald, 52, died in March 2013 of what authorities believe were natural causes following a foot infection linked to his diabetes, defense lawyer PeterBoushy said.
辩护律师PeterBoushy说,现年52岁的Peter Wald逝世于2013年3月份,有关当局认为与糖尿病有关的足部感染是引发他自然死亡的原因。
His wife Kaling Wald left him in bed and sealed up the bedroom in their Hamilton, Ontario,home to prevent the odor of decomposition from disturbing the busy household,which included five of the couple's six children, as well as other adults living in the home.
他们家住安大略省哈密尔顿市,他的妻子Kaling Wald将他搁置在床上并把密封以防尸体腐烂的味道干扰到家人忙碌的生活。他们的6个孩子有5个还住在家里,家中还住着其他成人。
"Just as Jesus raised Lazarus after the fourth day, so too did she believe God woul dresurrect her husband in due time," said Boushy.
Boushy 说,“正如耶稣在第四日后治好了麻风乞丐,所以她相信上帝会在适当的时间让她的丈夫复活的”。
"There clearly was an over-exuberance of one's faith," headded.
The corpse was discovered in September 2013 when the local sheriff arrived to evict the family after they defaulted on the mortgage. It had attracted rodentsand was badly decomposed, but the family had packed his things in preparation for the eviction and did not attempt to conceal the corpse.
Boushysaid his client now understands what the law required and would not do the same thing again.
"She certainly was remorseful, and definitely was teary-eyed," he said. "Indeed, she noted that she wasnever actually able to cry over the passing of her husband, but this seemed tohave been an emotional breakthrough after the court proceedings yesterday. I think counseling is certainly going to be beneficial for her."