Bad loans at China’s biggest banks rose at the fastest pace in at least seven years during the third quarter as a slowing economy squeezed corporate borrowers. Analysts said the fall in asset quality was manageable.
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank, the country’s two biggest banks by assets, reported their biggest quarterly jump in bad loans in at least seven years, with rises of 9 and 10 per cent respectively.
Analysts warned against misinterpreting the rise at the two banks. “The market might be over-concerned with ICBC and CCB’s nonperforming loans,” said Dorris Chen, China financial institutions analyst at Standard Chartered. “NPLs rose because these banks are reluctant to sell them to distressed asset managers. It doesn’t indicate a bigger underlying problem with asset quality.”
但分析师表示,不应误读这两家银行不良贷款的增长。渣打银行(Standard Chartered)的中国金融机构分析师陈睆明(Dorris Chen)表示:“市场很可能对工行和建行的不良贷款过于担忧了。不良贷款之所以上升,是因为这些银行不愿将它们出售给不良资产管理公司。它并不意味着资产质量出现了更严重的根本问题。”
Data from the central bank this week showed that lenders have trimmed their exposure to China’s troubled property sector. Loans to home buyers and developers fell 5 per cent in the third quarter from the same period a year earlier.
Many lenders have been aggressively selling or writing off bad loans this year, but the biggest banks are opting to try to keep bad loans in-house in the hope of recovering at least some of the value for themselves.
Agricultural Bank of China has the highest bad-loan ratio among the big five banks at 1.29 per cent as of the end of September, while that of Bank of China, the country’s fourth-largest lender, was the lowest at 1.06 per cent.
Analysts say that while the reported rise in bad loans is not cause for concern, the bigger risk is that such figures fail to reflect the true extent of delinquencies. Banks can disguise overdue loans by rolling over or extending them.
But in a bright spot for the banks, net interest margins – a measure of the spread between what banks pay for deposits and what they charge for loans – have held up better than many analysts expected.
CCB’s net interest margin was unchanged at 2.80 per cent, while at Agricultural Bank of China, it dipped slightly to 2.91 per cent from 2.93 per cent three months earlier. But it remained comfortably above the levels of 2012 and 2013.
Central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said in March that the longstanding cap on bank deposit interest rates is likely to be phased out in two years. Such reforms are expected to squeeze bank margins as lenders are forced to compete for customer funds by offering higher deposit rates.
But many analysts believe the slowing economy will force policy makers to extend that timeline in order to prevent rising deposit rates from feeding through to higher lending costs, creating another drag on an economy that is already slowing.
China’s economy grew at a 7.3 per cent annual pace in the third quarter, down from 7.5 per cent in the second quarter and the slowest pace in five years.
The central bank has also taken a series of targeted easing measures this year. Last month it injected Rmb500bn into the banking system via loans to the big banks. It followed up this month with an additional Rmb200bn in loans to midsize lenders. That has helped lower funding costs for banks.
On the lending side, meanwhile, rates have remained relatively high as banks, wary of the slowing economy, demand higher interest rates to compensate for the increased default risk.
At the same time, a regulatory crackdown on off-balance-sheet credit from trust companies and other non-bank lenders has driven some weaker borrowers back to traditional banks. That has helped prop up lending rates.