Hermione the humanitarian: Harry Potterstar Emma Watson says she's experienced sexism since she was eight in speech asUN Women Goodwill Ambassador
With her elegant outfit and chic make-up,Emma Watson looks all set for another film premiere.
But the 24-year-old Harry Potter star wasattending a very different type of photo call–as she continued her work as aUN Goodwill Ambassador.
She was at the launch of the HeForShecampaign in New Yorkon Saturday, where she delivered a speech calling for men to play a greaterrole in ending gender inequality.
At the United Nations headquarters, she revealed the sexism she has experiencedthroughout her life, saying it started at the age of eight when she was branded'bossy' for wanting to direct school plays.
在联合国总部,她透露了自己成长以来遇到的性别歧视问题,她说自己8岁时因为想要指导学校的戏剧而被人说是 “好管事”的。
She continued: 'At 15 my girlfriendsstarted dropping out of their sports teams because they didn't want to appear'muscly'...at 18 my male friends were unable to express their feelings.'
The UN Women HeForShe campaign aims to get100,000 men and boys involved in the fight to achieve gender equality.
'Our main goal is to increase theinvolvement of men and boys in the struggle to achieve gender equality,' saidhead of UN Women Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka.
联合国妇女署负责人PhumzileMlambo Ngcuka说,“我们的主要目标是提高男士和男孩们的参与度,努力实现性别平等”。
'It cannot be that women will do thisalone,' she said. 'It remains an important women's issue that requires thewhole of society, men and women, to be involved.'
Mlambo Ngcuka, who announced the 'HeForShe'campaign in March, called on the world's fathers, sons, husbands and brothersto stand up and support equality for women in all areas of life.
Mlambo Ngcuka于3月份宣布了“HeForShe”运动,她呼吁全世界的父亲、儿子、丈夫和兄弟们都应挺身支持各行业的女性平等问题。
She said projections indicate that ifthings don't change it will take 95 years to achieve gender equality, and by2020 and some 140,000 girls will be forced into child marriage.