I have had my fair share of bad first dates - I could probably write a full-length novel comparable to the size of Bible. But in all the first dates I've been on - almost all of which have been laughably unsuccessful - I have learned a lot. I mean, like, a lot. I've become an encyclopedia of reasons not to accept a second date with someone.
我有很多次糟糕的约会——这些约会都够我写一本与《圣经》一样厚的长篇小说了 。但在所有的首次约会中——几乎所有的首次约会都是可笑的失败——我学到了很多东西 。我是说真的很多 。不与某人进行第二次约会的理由?我就是这方面的百科全书 。
1. He says things that are degrading to women but, like, just in passing
1. 他轻描淡写的说一些有损女性人格的话语
This guy that I most recently dumped would refer to me as his "call girl." We hadn't even started having sex yet. (Spoiler alert: we never had sex. Ever.) It was like it was his creepy version of a pet name or something. When I told him I didn't like him calling me that, he told me that I should have a better sense of humor. Um, excuse me, Mr. Poop Emoji, but I have a great sense of humor, just no tolerance for behavior that foreshadows an entire relationship reminiscent of a 17th century Puritan guide to marriage.
我最近刚刚甩了的那个男生将我称为他的“应召女郎 。”我们甚至都还没有发生过关系呢 。(剧透:我们从没有发生过关系,从来没有 。)就好像这是他宠物名或其它东西的猥琐版 。当我和他说我不喜欢他称我为“应召女郎”时,他却对我说你应该更幽默一点 。额,不好意思,狗屎表情先生,我很有幽默感的好嘛,我只是容忍不了你暗示着我们的这段感情将是十七世纪清教徒指导婚姻的行为 。
2. He claims he never even liked the girl he dated for two years
2. 他有个约会两年的妹子,但他却说自己从来都没有喜欢过她
I was on a date with a guy who said this as if it was something he was proud of. So you just strung someone along for two years and made her think that you loved her - for what? Sex? Fun? Providing a red flag for the next girl that comes along? If a guy says this, he is 1) definitely lying, because that's just illogical and 2) not exactly a winning point for his emotional stability.
我当时就和这么个男生约会,他对此引以为傲 。所以你只是和妹子谈了两年,让她以为你爱她——为了什么呢?性吗?还是觉得好玩呢?对另一个要和你约会的妹子发出危险信号?如果一个男生说了这样的话,第一点:他肯定是在撒谎,因为这不合逻辑 。第二点:这对于他的情感稳定性并不是个加分点 。
3. Or talks poorly about any exes in general
3. 总的来说会说前女友坏话
We all talk smack about our exes. But on the first date? Anytime someone brings up a past relationship out of context on a first date, that's usually a sign that the ex is on their mind . . . meaning he probably isn't over her. But talking badly about an ex shows that this person is not even focused on the date that they're having with you! And you're awesome! And deserve their attention!
我们都是会说前任坏话的 。但在首次约会时就说?第一次约会,只要他毫无缘由的提出了之前的恋情,这通常表明他还想着前女友、还没有忘记她 。但说前女友的坏话就表示这个人根本就没有对这次约会上心!而你是很棒的,是值得他注意的!