Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says the cloud is vital to his company’s future.
“We want to empower every individual and every organization to thrive,” Nadella said at an event in San Francisco on Monday.
It’s a message that he hopes potential business clients will take to heart as he tries to lift Microsoft’s fortunes after a year of upheaval during which he replaced longtime leader Steve Ballmer. His company is under attack like never been before from rivals like Google and Apple along with an array of companies focused on corporations.
Nadella emphasized again and again that Microsoft wants business customers, small and large, to use its data centers for storing digital files, housing software and crunching numbers. To hammer the message home, Nadella name-dropped companies already using Microsoft’s cloud already.
There’s NBC, which uses Microsoft’s cloud services to live-stream video. Fashion retailer Paul Smith relies on Microsoft’s data centers to back up its digital files. Meanwhile, German elevator-maker ThyssenKrupp stores data from 1.1 million elevators like speed and motor temperatures in Microsoft’s server farms.
比如,全国广播公司(NBC)就将微软云服务用于流媒体视频。时尚品牌零售商Paul Smith靠着微软的数据中心来备份其数字文件。同时,德国电梯业巨头蒂森克虏伯公司(ThyssenKrupp)则将110万台电梯的速度、电机温度等数据存储于微软的服务器群组。
In an effort to show how useful its cloud services can be in a global crisis, Nadella said Microsoft would make its cloud services available to medical researchers tackling the Ebola epidemic, as well as research capable of helping with discovering a vaccine. Nadella did not say whether Microsoft would charge for the services.
Microsoft MSFT 1.03% peddled “The Cloud” long before Nadella became CEO nearly eight months ago. Although Microsoft still dominates software sales in the declining PC business with a 90%-plus market share, it only has a 14% share among mobile devices, Nadella said at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech conference in July.
早在纳德拉近8个月前出任首席执行官之前,微软就一直在兜售自己的“云”。在7月份的《财富》科技头脑风暴大会(Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech )上,纳德拉称,在当前不断下滑的PC行业中,尽管微软仍以90%以上的市场份额占据软件行业的主导地位,但在移动设备领域。其市场份额仅有14%。
Considering how far behind it is in mobile, Microsoft is trying to aggressively grow its pure business services. It’s an area in which the company has always done well and faces less competitoin from the likes of Google and Apple, which dominate the consumer space.
In the four years since introducing Azure, its main cloud platform, Microsoft has been fiercely battling Amazon AMZN 0.85% and its cloud service, Amazon Web Services, on features and pricing. Indeed, Microsoft introduced more than 300 new features to its service over the past 12 months alone.
在推出其主要云平台Azure之后的4年中,微软一直都在和亚马逊公司(Amazon)及其云服务“亚马逊网络服务”(Amazon Web Services)在性能和价格上激烈竞争。实际上,仅过去12个月以来,微软就在其服务中推出了超过300种新功能。
On Monday, Microsoft showed off yet more new services that are meant to undercut the competition. Those included a faster kind of “virtual machine,” or simulated computer system, dubbed the “G family,” with twice the memory of Amazon’s virtual machines and four times the memory of Google’s GOOG 1.89% .
周一,微软展示了更多旨在削弱对手的新服务,其中包括一种被戏称为“G家族”(G family)、速度更快的“虚拟机”,或称模拟机系统,其存储容量是亚马逊虚拟机的两倍,谷歌虚拟机的四倍。
This year may prove to be a watershed for Microsoft. Its cloud business currently generates $4.4 billion in annual revenues. But Nomura analyst Rick Sherlund estimated in August the company will become the largest cloud business by the end of the year with around $5.8 billion in annual revenues. By contrast, Amazon Web Services and Salesforce.com would make $5.5 billion, he said. And even if Microsoft doesn’t hit those numbers, it has more cash to burn — $77 billion — which it can funnel into its cloud products, if needed. Promised Nadella: “This is just the start.”