Regulations proposed by the Chinese government for the country's burgeoning smartphone market, already the largest in the world, are prompting concern from industry groups representing companies such as Apple Inc. and Google Inc.
中国政府针对本国迅速成长且已居世界第一的智能手机市场拟议的监管法规引起代表苹果(Apple Inc.)、谷歌(Google Inc.)等公司的行业团体的担忧。
The draft law, for which the public-comment period ends this weekend, is the beginning of China's effort to regulate the fast-growing mobile-applications market and could force industry leaders to censor what applications they offer, build phones with China-mandated security requirements and include features that would help the government identify users.
China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology says the proposed rules are designed to protect the personal information of smartphone users. Chinese media have reported that the regulation would target malicious software─common on cheap, unbranded smartphones in China-that can steal users' personal information and incur charges by sending text messages.
Industry groups say the effect on companies would likely be higher costs and slower growth in one of the most important markets for electronics suppliers. Apple sold two million smartphones in China in the first quarter, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. sold 7.8 million and Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. sold 1.5 million, according to Analysys International.
行业团体认为,这些规定可能会造成企业成本增加,并使电子产品供应商在世界最重要的市场之一的增长速度放缓。据易观国际(Analysys International)的数据,今年一季度苹果在中国市场卖出智能手机200万部,三星电子(Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.)卖出780万部,摩托罗拉移动公司(Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc.)卖出150万部。
The size of China's total smartphone market has more than tripled in less than three years, with 31.2 million smartphone devices sold in the first quarter, compared with just 7.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2009, Analysys says.
The rapid adoption of new mobile devices and applications by Chinese consumers has outpaced authorities' ability to regulate them. China's mobile-apps market currently is largely unregulated.
The proposed measures mandate that handset makers ensure that preloaded apps and those made available through other means meet with Chinese laws in order to be licensed to sell the phones in China. That could mean companies would be forced to remove applications deemed offensive or antigovernment by China from devices and app stores offered on phones.
The proposed law also says new phones must be made in accordance with Chinese standards. If new standards put forth by the government-guided China Communications Standards Association are approved, the law could force handset makers to cooperate with China's government to identify customers and track their app use.
征求意见稿还规定,新手机必须按中国标准生产。如果政府指导下的中国通信标准化协会(China Communications Standards Association)制定的新标准得到批准,拟议中的法规就有可能强制要求手机生产商配合中国政府识别用户身份并跟踪他们对应用软件的使用。