In an increasingly globalized employment market, Laura Altamirano Sainz's story could sound routine.
在日益全球化的就业市场上,阿尔塔米拉诺·赛恩斯(Altamirano Sainz)的故事可能听起来司空见惯了。
After studying at the Xalapa campus of the Anahuac University, in Mexico, Ms. Altamirano, 23, a computer science graduate, traveled to Germany last year to take an internship with the automaker BMW. Once there, she realized just how fertile Munich's job market was for software engineers, so she decided to stay on and continue her studies in Germany.
去年在墨西哥阿纳瓦克大学(Anahuac University)哈拉帕分校计算机专业毕业后,当时22岁的阿尔塔米拉诺女士前往德国,在汽车制造商宝马公司(BMW)参加实习。但抵达德国后,她意识到慕尼黑就业市场对软件工程师的需求庞大,所以她决定继续留在德国深造。
Her search for a university master's program quickly brought her to the Technical University of Munich. A once-traditional German technical college, T.U.M. has in recent years developed into a global player that, as part of that development, now offers many courses in English.
在对当地硕士课程进行研究后,她很快锁定了慕尼黑工业大学(Technical University of Munich)。慕尼黑工业大学曾经是一所传统的德国理工大学,近年来已经发展成为一家全球性的高校,有许多课程用英语授课。
The school "is really well known," said Ms. Altamirano. "When you have this in your curriculum vitae, they really take this into account," she added, referring to potential employers.
According to a recent survey of university graduate employability, Ms. Altamirano could scarcely have made a better choice.
The third annual Global Employability Survey, designed and commissioned by the French education consulting firm Emerging and carried out by the German market research firm Trendence, asked recruiters and senior international executives to profile an ideal university graduate — and the ideal university producing such graduates.
由法国教育咨询公司Emerging设计并委托、由德国市场研究公司Trendence承办的第三届年度全球就业能力调查(Global Employability Survey),让招聘人员和资深跨国公司高管描述出他们心中的理想大学毕业生以及培养这种大学毕业生的理想高校。
Analyzing the responses, the Emerging/Trendence survey, published Oct. 28, ranked 150 top universities according to the employability of their graduates. Ms. Altamirano's choice — the Munich technical school — ranked number 11, up from 50th place a year earlier, a rise that Emerging says may point to a changing mind-set among recruiters.
"Recruiters are more and more acting and thinking globally," said Laurent Dupasquier, associate director of Emerging. Multinational companies are increasingly widening their recruitment pool, he said: Although the ranking's top 20, led by Oxford, Harvard and Cambridge, still reads like most conventional academic listings, institutions that focus on providing graduates with a broad skill set are winning more recognition, irrespective of their country or region.
“招聘者的行为和想法越来越具有全球化特点,”Emerging咨询公司的副总监洛朗·杜帕斯奎尔(Laurent Dupasquier)说。此外,他认为跨国公司正在日益扩大它们的招聘池。排名前20位仍然由牛津大学(Oxford)、哈佛大学(Harvard)和剑桥大学(Cambridge)等名校占据,这与大多数传统的学术排名类似,但那些着力让毕业生掌握广泛技能的高校——不论它们在哪个国家或地区——正在赢得更多的认可。
"It's a complete globalization of the system," said Mr. Dupasquier: not only are more recruiters looking across borders for hires, but national recruiters are increasingly looking for the same thing in graduates: work experience and practical know-how, social and communication skills, motivation and willingness to learn, rather than narrowly focused academic qualifications.
Still, even if recruiters are looking at a wider pool, the survey suggests that past experience with graduates of specific universities remains an important determinant in hiring. Overall, 21.8 percent of recruiters surveyed said that the university attended by an applicant was the main criterion for selection, while another 45.1 percent cited it as an important factor. That compared with 33.1 percent who said they focused on the candidate's skills and experience.
Recruiters in France and Brazil were most likely to consider the university in hiring decisions, with only 17.6 percent of recruiters saying it was not a major factor. In Mexico and the Netherlands, in contrast, nearly half — 49.6 percent in Mexico and 48.5 percent in the Netherlands — focused on other factors.
More significantly, nearly two-thirds of the recruiters said they regularly used university lists provided by their company as a reference point for hiring.
The survey initially tallied online responses from more than 2,700 recruiters in 20 countries to build a profile of the ideal graduate employee. Respondents had a minimum of four years' experience and the survey targeted those aiming to hire internationally. Countries covered were Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Britain and the United States.
The top-150 university ranking was derived from their responses, combined with those of a subsequent poll of 2,300 top executives in a total of 30 countries.
Critics challenge academic rankings, often questioning their metrics and underlying assumptions. While the Emerging/Trendence study's focus on employability bypasses many of the issues associated with conventional rankings, its conclusions may be influenced by weighting anomalies in the respondent group in terms of factors including geographical location and sector of activity.
For example, of the 20 countries covered by the initial recruiter survey three together provided more than 25 percent of the respondent group — the United States, China and, perhaps surprisingly, Italy. Of 20 sectors surveyed, information technology hardware and software companies provided 14 percent of respondents; and of all respondents, nearly 24 percent were recruiting for I.T. departments.
Still, setting aside questions about the sample base, the survey offers some insights into recruitment attitudes. While about half the recruiters said that teaching practical know-how, the ability to combine theoretical with practical knowledge and soft skills were the most important characteristics of an ideal university, they put surprisingly little value on the school's international exposure and outlook.
Internationalism is something recruiters say they look for in the individual job-seeker, not the institution.
"We look for people that have a global mind-set," said Dan Black, the Americas director of recruiting at Ernst & Young. "It's people that are open to and excited about working with people from other cultures."
“我们期待求职者具备全球性思维方式,”安永会计师事务所(Ernst & Young)的美洲招聘主管丹·布莱克,“是那些在与其他文化背景的人合作时保持开放心态和期望的人才。”
According to the survey, in which Mr. Black did not take part, graduates from the United States, Britain and Germany were most favored by recruiters.
Respondents said China was their fourth most favored source country for recruitment — and five Chinese universities made it into the top 150 list, along with another three in Hong Kong, a combined total equal to Germany's. China's rise was one of the most striking trends identified in last year's survey.
The United States still dominates the employability ranking, with 45 U.S. universities in the top 150 list, but its dominance has been slightly reduced since the first survey three years ago, when American schools held 56 of the top spots. Britain has 14 schools in this year's top 150; France has 12; Germany 8; Switzerland 7 and the Netherlands 5.
"Traditional small countries are punching far above their weight," said Mr. Dupasquier.
Mexico, where Ms. Altamirano did her undergraduate degree in systems engineering and information technology before heading to Munich, has two universities in the top 150.
MOOCs — massive open online courses — also figure in this year's survey, with a majority of recruiters viewing their use in post-secondary education favorably, according to Emergence.
While graduation from a top university plays a role in many new hires, Mr. Black, of Ernst & Young, stressed that the crest on the diploma should not be the only factor for talent scouts.
"We firmly believe that talent exists at large and small schools, private and public universities," Mr. Black said. "I would encourage other employers to be very open about where they recruit from."