评级一般的员工怎么混 Should I leave a job where I've been branded average
日期:2015-08-11 13:31


I have been working at McKinsey for two years and my performance has been rated average. Many of my peers get far better grades, which led to higher bonuses and early promotions. I act on feedback, but keep getting average performance reviews and it hurts. Managers tell me I will have a successful career, but I don’t really believe it. Should I stay, and be mediocre, or go to a less prestigious firm where


I could do better than my peers? Consultant, male, 20s


Performance reviews don’t mean a thing. They are more telling about the person doing the appraisal than the one being appraised and they end up demotivating almost everyone.


Possibly McKinsey decides which of its consultants is average in an above-average manner; one hopes so, given how seriously it takes the process. I hardly need remind you that “The Firm” is built on regular purgings of those who aren’t deemed to be doing sufficiently well, and if you are one of those, they will get rid of you before long anyway.


You raise an important question about small fish in big ponds and big fish in small ones. I think there are two sorts of people — the hypercompetitive who insist on winning whatever the cost, and the rest of us. For the first sort it makes sense to work at McKinsey or in the most ruthlessly successful place available. For the rest of us, it makes sense to avoid such places and seek out the small ponds instead.


It is human nature to compare, and we naturally compare ourselves to those closest to us. So if you are surrounded by thrusting clever dicks at McKinsey who are doing better than you are, then you inevitably end up feeling a failure.


The fact that you have to be pretty good to get there in the first place is not much of a consolation. Neither is the fact that on average, almost everyone is, by definition, average.


Not only is it wretched to feel a failure, but feeling one does us the additional disservice of making us be one. Equally, feeling successful is not only jolly pleasant in itself, but it helps us become successful. You see this in schools all the time: kids who are made to feel dim in academic schools progressively underperform until sensible parents swoop in and send them to less academic ones. Once they start feeling intelligent again, they start to do better, ending up with better results than if they had stayed put.


So leave McKinsey soon and by choice. You will find it easy to find another job as employers are pathetically impressed by the ex-McKinsey badge. You could always go to Deloitte or Accenture, where they have recently announced that the appraisal machinery has been torn down. Or, better still, find a smaller firm, where they are interested in what you are doing not in what box to put you in.

