这座沉默的电影艺术宫经过修复后,已重新当年风采 。
The Theatre at Ace, formerly known as the United Artists Theatre, first opened in late 1927 in downtown Los Angeles.
该电影院位于埃斯(Ace),前身以美国艺术电影院而闻名,1927年晚期,它在洛杉矶市中心开业 。
2.The theater that prides itself on enforcing moviegoing etiquette
While there are more and more theaters sprouting up that serve food and alcohol with your entertainment, none do at as well as Austin's Alamo Drafthouse. Named "the best theater ever" by Time magazine, the Drafthouse is not only a theater, but it's also home to largest genre film festival in the United States and a collectible art gallery.越来越多电影院为满足顾客的娱乐需求,提供酒和食物,但没有一家能和奥斯汀的Alamo Drafthouse的服务相媲美 。《时代周刊》将它冠名为“最佳电影院”,Drafthouse不仅是家电影院,同时也是流派最大的电影节之乡和具有收藏价值的艺术画廊.
3.The luxury theater in Seoul that offers VIP treatment
这座位于首尔的豪华电影院能够提供贵宾待遇It is located in Seoul's stylish Apgujeong district.
它位于首尔的时尚街区狎鸥亭 。4.The world famous Hollywood movie palace that is now the largest capacity IMAX theater in the world
这是座世界闻名的电影艺术宫,如今,它已成为世界上最大型的IMAX电影院 。Hollywood's famed TCL Chinese Theatre is known worldwide for the footprints of stars past and present outside, but the inside is equally as impressive.
无论在过去还是现在,许多明星都光顾好莱坞的TCL中国电影院,该电影院因此而闻名全球 。但该电影院的内部还是相当令人惊艳的 。5.The open air film series that is held behind the walls of a 17th century castle
隐藏在这些墙(它们是一座17世纪城堡的城墙)背面的露天系列电影 。
It is built around 1640, it's an openair film festival that runs for a month each summer.大概建于1640年,在这里,每年夏季会举办一个月的户外电影节 。
6.The revival house that is owned by a famous director
While there is nothing majestic about the look of the New Beverly cinema, it does have one thing the other movie houses don't – famed director Quentin Tarantino.
没有哪个电影院的外表比新贝弗利电影院更宏伟的了,贝弗利电影院有一个其他电影院不具有的亮点——著名导演昆汀·塔伦蒂诺 。
7.The R.V. resort that offers a classic moviegoing experience
Just west of Escalante in Utah lies the The Shooting Star Drive-In and R.V. Resort. Opened in 2011, the resort features a classic mid-century drive-in movie theater.就在犹他州的埃斯卡兰特西部,坐落着免下车流星电影院(The Shooting Star Drive-In)和R.V.旅游胜地 。它们于2011年开业,该旅游胜地描绘了中世纪典型的免下车电影院 。
8.The open air film series that is held in a cemetery
The open-air theater is held on the Fairbanks lawn . Films are digitally projected on the wall of the Cathedral Mausoleum, which houses the crypt of Rudolph Valentino and other early film greats.这家露天剧场在费尔班克斯草坪上开幕 。电影依靠数字投影仪投影到大教堂陵墓墓墙上的,这些陵墓里住着鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺,及其他一些电影大师 。
9.The world's oldest outdoor cinema that is still in operation
世界上最古老的在营户外电影院Sun Picture Garden in Broome, Western Australia is the world's oldest outdoor movie theater still in operation.
作为布鲁姆的太阳花园(Sun Picture Garden),西澳大利亚电影院是世上仍在营业的最古老的户外电影院 。10.The luxury cinema that comes with double beds
该豪华电影院配有双人床The 102-year-old Electric Cinema, located in London's fashionable Notting Hill, was refurbished by the Soho House group into a luxury theater.
这座102岁的电子电影院位于伦敦上流社会诺丁山,经苏豪私人会员俱乐部集团( Soho House group)翻新,现已成为一家豪华的电影院 。