Marvel took a tremendous gamble in producing Guardians of the Galaxy. Where other Marvel film franchises tend to bank on reliable, star superheroes like Spiderman and Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy does not. The movie takes a handful of misfits from the lesser-known regions of the Marvel Comics universe, puts them together, and asks them to carry a story for the length of an entire movie.
Well, it seems the gamble paid off. Guardians has grossed over $653 million (about 4 billion yuan) at box offices worldwide, and it’s the highest grossing film of the year in the US. With that kind of money on the table, Marvel has already OK’d the production of a sequel (to be released in 2017) and a new animated television series.
Guardians tells the story of Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Gamora (Zoe Saldana), Rocket (Bradley Cooper), Groot (Vin Diesel) and Drax (Dave Batista) as they try to keep a powerful stone from falling into the hands of Ronan, a supervillain who seeks to use the rock to destroy entire planets. The crew initially meets in prison, where they’ve all been arrested by The Nova Corps. From there, the story unwinds through a series of stunning interplanetary action sequences and well-timed meta-jokes.
《银河护卫队》讲述了星爵(克里斯•帕拉特 饰)、卡魔拉(佐伊•索尔达娜 饰)、火箭浣熊(布莱德利•库珀 饰)、格鲁特(范•迪塞尔 饰)、以及德拉卡斯(戴夫•巴蒂斯塔 饰)一行五人保护无限宝石,不让它落入超级大反派罗南手中,从而拯救整个银河系的故事。电影伊始,这五人都被新星军团所抓,在狱中相遇。故事随之展开,其中宇宙空间动作戏令人瞠目,各种卖萌犯贱也出现得正是时候。
For someone who has paid casual attention to comic-inspired movies for all of their life, I must shamefully admit I had some trouble following the story. The cast of characters is Marvel’s most interesting yet, but it’s also the least familiar.
Guardians introduces quite a few characters never before seen on film, and each has a backstory only the dedicated comic book fan could be expected to know offhand. This makes each character’s individual motivations and origins hazy.
That said, I was quite impressed with Guardians. This is the tenth installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the continued success of Marvel movies owes to their rich storytelling heritage. The foundations for these characters and films were laid decades ago, and they’ve been fortified and fleshed out over time. Guardians of the Galaxy takes B-list heroes and gives them a well-deserved chance to shine alongside their more popular super-powered peers.