From the outside, it looks like a prison. At least that's what some of the well-heeled residents of the Scottish village of Kilmacolm say of Windyhill — and the house does look somewhat austere, with its uncompromising cement and stone exterior.
But the moment a recent Japanese visitor stepped inside, she was overcome with emotion and burst into tears. To her, it was perfection.
Windyhill is one of only two surviving houses built by the architect, designer and artist Charles Rennie Mackintosh — the other is the Hill House in Helensburgh, now a National Trust for Scotland property. Mackintosh was acclaimed throughout Europe in the early 1900s, but his talent was little celebrated in his hometown of Glasgow until long after his death in 1928. He now is considered one of Scotland's most famous designers.
这栋“风之丘”,是建筑师、设计师兼艺术家查尔斯·雷尼·麦金托什(Charles Rennie Mackintosh)所建造的房屋当中仅存的两栋之一。另外一栋是海伦斯堡(Helensburgh)的希尔之家(Hill House),现属一处苏格兰国民信托财产(National Trust for Scotland property)。麦金托什在20世纪早期即享誉全欧洲,但在他的家乡格拉斯哥(Glasgow),直到他于1928年逝世之后的很长一段时间内,其才华都无人喝彩。现在,他被认为是苏格兰最著名的设计师之一。
Windyhill, his only residential design that is still a private home, is for sale at 3 million pounds, or about $5 million.
David Cairns, the current owner, said the house had scores of visitors every year, as there is strong interest around the world, particularly in the United States, in Mackintosh's work and the Art Nouveau and Arts and Crafts movements. He recalled one visitor: "This lady had seen pictures of the house as it was when it was built in 1902, so when she came into the hallway, it seemed to her as if nothing had changed, as if she was stepping into the past."
房子目前的主人大卫·凯恩斯(David Cairns)说,这栋房子每年都会接待大批造访者,世界各地的人对麦金托什的作品、新艺术(Art Nouveau)和工艺美术运动(Arts and Crafts movements)都有很强的兴趣,特别是在美国。他回忆起这样一位访客:“这位女士看过这栋房子在1902年刚刚建好时的老照片,所以当她走进门厅时,在她看来一切都没有改变,就好似她一下踏进了过去一样。”
The reception hall, almost 11 meters long by 2.7 meters wide, or 36 feet by 8.8 feet, is decorated as Mackintosh specified — he always insisted on controlling the décor within his designs. The original beams are picked out in black, as are the door and window frames, and the fireplace has a black surround flanked by thin tapering columns. It creates a strong contrast with the neutral walls and plain muslin curtains.
Most of the fittings throughout the house are originals, while the hall furniture and other pieces, including the tables, huge oak sideboards and wicker high-backed chairs, were recreated from Mackintosh's designs and could be included by negotiation in the sale.
William Davidson, a wealthy Glasgow merchant, hired Mackintosh to design the house in 1900. The result was a seven-bedroom mansion with three reception rooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms and a scullery.
1900年,一位富有的格拉斯哥商人威廉·戴维森(William Davidson)聘请麦金托什设计房子。结果就得到了这栋包含七间卧室、三间会客厅、一间厨房、两间浴室和一个炊具餐具存放室的宅邸。
Windyhill is considered one of the most important examples of Mackintosh's work and is listed Grade A, the top rating, by Historic Scotland, the government agency charged with protecting the country's heritage.
“风之丘”被认为是麦金托什作品当中最为重要的一处范例,被致力于保护境内文化遗产的政府机构“历史苏格兰”(Historic Scotland)列入A级,即最高一级。
Mr. Cairns, who bought the house 12 years ago, said at the time that the interior was "all swagged curtains and thick carpets — so to restore it, I took advice from the Hunterian Museum and the Glasgow School of Art, which are authorities on Mackintosh, and studied the old photographs."
于12年前买下这栋房产的凯恩斯说,那时候房子内部“全是挂着帷幕的窗帘和厚实的地毯——所以,为了恢复其原貌,我听从了来自亨特博物馆(Hunterian Museum)和格拉斯哥艺术学校(the Glasgow School of Art)的意见,它们都是研究麦金托什的权威;我还研究了房子的老照片。”
"Much of the original fabric, such as the dadoes and woodwork, is still here, but many of the pieces are in the School of Art, so I contacted craftsmen that the museum and the school approved to recreate the lights, the furniture and the fabrics," he said.
Mackintosh designed the Glasgow School of Art, which was damaged in May by a fire that destroyed its library, considered by many to be one of the world's finest examples of Art Nouveau design.
A visitor first sees Windyhill through a narrow gate, the rugged harled walls — harling is the very Scottish practice of throwing small stones at cement to create a rough surface — painted gray. The L-shaped house, which totals about 400 square meters, or 4,400 square feet, almost faces away from the road and has simple barred window frames, steeply pitched slate roofs and chimneys at the gable ends. "The windows look small from the outside," said Mr. Cairns, an entrepreneur. "But inside when you switch on the lights, there is an infusion of color. In the dining room, the light plays on the surfaces."
Perhaps nothing exemplifies the Mackintosh style more than the lighting fixtures. Square or rectangular, some in groups of four hanging from the ceilings or from the dining room paneling, their black or shiny steel frames are uncompromisingly functional — but several have Art Nouveau swirling floral motifs in a delicate pink that transform them into objects of beauty. (A set of four in the drawing room cost £70,000 to recreate.)
he rooms are minimalist in design, with small touches to bring them alive: leaded glass in a window, a carving on a door and, in the master bedroom, a frieze of pink roses and two long-stemmed green flowers that reach from floor to cornice. Reflecting the designer's typical attention to detail, the latter are in the direct line of sight when anyone looks into the dressing table mirror.
"This is not a house for an accountant," Mr. Cairns said. "This is a stage for art." He has used it to showcase his own collection of modern and contemporary art, including many pieces by the Glasgow Boys, painters from the late 19th century who captured rural life in the region.
“这不是一栋为一名会计师设计的房子,”凯恩斯说,“这是一座艺术的舞台。”他一直用这里展示他自己收藏的现、当代艺术品,包括19世纪末期的画家团体“格拉斯哥男孩”(the Glasgow Boys)的许多件作品,该团的成员描绘了许多当地乡村生活的场景。
Not everything in the house is in the Mackintosh style. The kitchen is thoroughly contemporary, with an AGA stove; the bathroom is clad in marble tiles inspired by a shower scene in the 2006 James Bond movie "Casino Royale," and a sound system delivers music into every room.
这栋房子里也不是所有东西都是麦金托什风格的。厨房是彻底的当代风格,有一座AGA炉灶;浴室覆盖着大理石砖,其设计灵感源于2006年那部詹姆斯·邦德影片《皇家赌场》(Casino Royale)里一个淋浴的镜头;此外还有一套可在每间房间里播放音乐的音响系统。
The one-acre site has the original layout of formal shrubs and a lily pond, where Mackintosh is reputed to have been doused after his Santa Claus beard caught fire one Christmas. Beyond the house walls is the valley of the River Gryffe and the low hills of Ayrshire.
这处占地一英亩(约合0.4公顷)的地块上,还保留着最初设计里的正规灌木丛和一方莲花池,据说有一年圣诞节,当麦金托什戴的圣诞老人胡着火后,他就是跳进这个水池解的围。围墙之外,是格里夫河谷(the valley of River Gryffe)和埃尔郡(Ayrshire)的低矮山丘。
The village of Kilmacolm is a built-to-last sort of place with 19th-century buildings of solid sandstone, mostly independent shops, a pub and cafes, and a golf course and two schools are nearby. It is about 15 miles, or about 24 kilometers, from central Glasgow and 10 miles to the international airport.
The average asking price for properties on sale in Kilmacolm is £351,433, while the average for Scotland is £160,000, according to home.co.uk.
"This is where the social elite live," said Rory Ballantyne, owner of the eponymous real estate agency that is handling the sale.
“这是一个社会精英居住的地区,”负责本文这处房产销售的罗里·巴兰坦房产经纪公司的所有者罗里·巴兰坦(Rory Ballantyne)说。
Who would buy such an unusual property? According to Mr. Ballantyne, most business activity in Scotland is on hold until the Sept. 18 independence referendum, an opinion supported by the July report on prime Scottish house prices by the real estate company Knight Frank, which showed sale prices unchanged from April to June of this year.
谁会来买下这样一处非同寻常的房产呢?据巴兰坦说,在9月18日的独立公投之前,苏格兰的多数商业活动都暂缓了。这个说法,也得到了房地产公司莱坊国际(Knight Frank)一份有关苏格兰主要房价的七月报告的佐证。报告显示,本年度的房产销售价格自4月到6月间未曾发生变化。
"Foreign money has disappeared," Mr. Ballantyne said. "But I think it might be a Mackintosh lover who will buy the house — an American perhaps. The actor Brad Pitt is known to be an admirer of Mackintosh and was one of the first to contribute to the restoration of the art school after the blaze. Maybe he'd make an offer."
“海外投资都消失了,”巴兰坦说,“但我认为,可能会有一个麦金托什爱好者愿意购买这栋房子——美国人吧,可能。演员布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)是个出名的麦金托什崇拜者,他也是在艺术学校失火后第一批为修缮捐款的人。或许他会报个价。”
Whatever the result of the vote, he added, "Scotland will still be Scotland — and who knows, if it becomes independent, that might add to its romantic appeal."
And Windyhill's interiors will still be what Pamela Robertson, senior curator at the Hunterian, describes as "the room as a work of art."
而“风之丘”的内部装饰,也依然如亨特博物馆的高级管理员帕米拉·罗伯特森(Pamela Robertson)所言,“堪称一件艺术品的房间”。