PRETORIA, South Africa — The trial in the case of the Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius abruptly adjourned Thursday with one charge of unlawful homicide against him still pending.
南非比勒陀利亚——残奥会运动员奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯(Oscar Pistorius)案子的审理周四突然休庭,对他的一项起诉:非法杀人罪仍悬而未决。
The judge, Thokozile Matilda Masipa, had earlier cleared Mr. Pistorius of the gravest murder charges against him.
法官科齐尔·玛蒂尔达·马西珀(Thokozile Matilda Masipa)在休庭前驳回了对皮斯托瑞斯的最严重的谋杀指控。
Then, after a lunch break, Judge Masipa added to the courtroom tension when she adjourned the case until Friday morning, saying that Mr. Pistorius “acted too hastily,” “used excessive force” and had been negligent in his conduct. Her decision to suspend the hearings was not explained. “We’ll have to stop here,” she said, “and resume tomorrow morning.”
Earlier, calmly and coolly taking up piece after piece of evidence, dismissing some, discounting others, offering practical interpretations of still more, Judge Masipa said that although Mr. Pistorius made a poor and evasive witness, she found large parts of his story credible. Most significantly, she said it seemed — or at least that the prosecution had been unable to prove otherwise — that when he shot and killed his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, 29, through a bathroom door in February 2013, Mr. Pistorius genuinely believed that intruders had broken into his home and were hiding in the bathroom at the time.
此前,马西珀法官曾沉着、冷静地逐一考虑了条条证据,摒弃了一些,认为另一些不可信,对剩下的一些做出了切实的解释,她说,尽管皮斯托瑞斯作为证人的表现不佳,且含糊其辞,但她认为他的说法大部分可信。她说,最重要的,是有关2013年2月皮斯托瑞斯通过卫生间门射死了他的女友、29岁的瑞瓦·史汀坎普(Reeva Steenkamp)的部分,看来皮斯托瑞斯真实地认为入侵者闯入了他的家,并且躲藏在卫生间里,至少检方未能证明不是那样。
Sitting in a wooden dock in a dark suit, white shirt and black tie, Mr. Pistorius slumped forward and sobbed as the judge spoke.
There are no jury trials in South Africa, so it has been left to Judge Masipa, with the help of two aides, to render the verdict on her own. According to normal procedures in the country, the judgment includes a summation of the facts, an analysis of the evidence, and then the announcement of the verdict, charge after charge. The judge is spending the day reading her verdict to the court.
Judge Masipa also dismissed out of hand large portions of the prosecution’s evidence, in particular the testimony of neighbors who said they had heard the sounds of a man and woman arguing in Mr. Pistorius’s house before the shots were fired. And she said that prosecution evidence culled from WhatsApp text messages and meant to demonstrate that Mr. Pistorius and Ms. Steenkamp’s relationship was “on the rocks,” as she put it, could not be considered relevant. Nor, she said, could seemingly contradictory text-message evidence from the defense meant to show that the couple had a loving relationship be helpful in reaching a verdict.
“In my view, none of this evidence, from the state or defense, proves anything, she said. “Normal relationships are dynamic and unpredictable sometimes.”
In being acquitted of the two harshest charges against him – premeditated murder and a lesser charge known simply as “murder” – Mr. Pistorius has possibly escaped a lengthy prison sentence. But culpable homicide, which is defined as the negligent killing of another person and is roughly comparable to involuntary manslaughter, can carry a wide range of sentences, at the discretion of the judge, from no jail time to more than 15 years in jail.
The judge’s findings were delivered in a clinical appraisal of a case that has riveted South Africa, been broadcast around the globe and has been compared to the O.J. Simpson case in the United States. Her judgment seemed a huge setback for the prosecutor, Gerrie Nel, who had called for Mr. Pistorius to be convicted of murder and whose pugnacious courtroom manner earned him the nickname the Pit Bull.
法官用无动于衷的评估方式宣读了对案子的裁定,该案的审理吸引了南非举国上下的关注,在世界各地播出,有人还将其比作美国的O·J·辛普森案。她的判决对检察官格里·内尔(Gerrie Nel)来说似乎是一次重大挫折,他曾呼吁判皮斯托瑞斯犯谋杀罪,他好斗的法庭表现为他赢得一个绰号:比特斗牛犬。
In his version of the shooting, Mr. Pistorius, 27, said he awoke from his bed and heard what sounded like a window opening in the bathroom, making him think that an intruder had entered his home.
Then, walking on the stumps of his legs in a darkened passageway, with a handgun thrust out before him, he opened fire on a locked toilet door. Only later, he testified, did he suspect that Ms. Steenkamp was inside. When he broke down the door with a cricket bat, he said, he discovered her bloodstained body.
“Before I knew it, I had fired four shots at the door,” Judge Masipa quoted Mr. Pistorius as saying, as she listed the various ways he described the shooting during the trial. At times, he said he shot “in the belief that the intruders were coming out” to attack him. At other moments, he said “he never intended to shoot anyone” and had not fired purposefully at the door, the judge said. Part of Mr. Pistorius’s evidence, she said, was “inconsistent with someone who shot without thinking.”
Ms. Steenkamp, Judge Masipa added, “was killed under very peculiar circumstances,” but “what is not conjecture is that the accused armed himself with a loaded firearm.”
Nonetheless, the judge ruled, the prosecution’s evidence to support a charge of premeditated murder was “purely circumstantial.”
“The state clearly has not proved beyond reasonable doubt that the accused is guilty of premeditated murder,” she said. “There are not enough facts.”