时间拂过纽约 9.11事件现场今昔对比(1)
日期:2014-09-12 14:57
自2001年9月11日两架被劫持的飞机撞向世贸双塔,世界贸易中心塔喷出浓浓烟雾,全球都知道了纽约遭到惨绝人寰的恐怖袭击 。
这张照片是2014年9月10日周三拍摄的,从百老汇街可以看到世界贸易中心和三一教堂 。
3.The twin towers of the World Trade Center burn behind the Empire State Building in New York, Sept. 11, 2001. In a horrific sequence of destruction, terrorists crashed two planes into the World Trade Center causing the twin 110-story towers to collapse.
2001年9月11日,位于纽约帝国大厦身后的世贸中心的双子塔燃烧后,更可怕的在后面,恐怖分子劫机事件造成高达110层的双子塔倒塌 。
4.The almost-completed One World Trade Center is seen towering above the landscape downtown behind the Empire State Building in New York City, Sept.10, 2014.
2014年九月10日,在帝国大厦身后,我们可以看到即将完工的世贸中心高高耸立在都市景观中 。
5.Women wearing dust masks flee across the Brooklyn Bridge from Manhattan to Brooklyn following the collapse of both World Trade Center towers Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 in New York. The towers previously loomed tall in the skyline behind.
照片上是几名女性在2001年9月11日戴着防尘口罩正在穿过布鲁克林大桥从曼哈顿逃离,去往布鲁克林的途中,可以看到世贸中心正在不断崩塌,天际线中大厦高高的身影忽隐忽现 。
6.New Yorkers and visitors enjoy a beautiful day crossing the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City on Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014.
2014年9月10日周三纽约的市民和游客正在穿越布鲁克林大桥,享受着美好的一天 。
7.Smoke, flames and debris erupts from one of the World Trade Center towers as a plane strikes it Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The first tower was already burning following a terror attack minutes earlier. Terrorists crashed planes into the two buildings and collapsed both towers.
2001年9月11日,周二,烟尘,火焰和建筑碎片从天而降,这一切都缘于一架被劫的飞机撞向世贸双子塔的其中一座 。第一座双子塔仍在燃烧的时候,紧接着恐怖分子劫持的飞机将另一座塔楼也拉向了废墟的命运 。
8.A view from Park Row looking toward where the World Trade Center towers stood on Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014. The space is currently occupied by the two 9/11 Memorial pools of the north and south towers.
2014年九月10日周三,从公园路看向世贸中心双子塔曾经站立的位置,如今是南北塔楼的两个911事件纪念池 。
9.Pedestrians on the waterfront in Brooklyn, New York, look across the East River to the burning World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001 after a terrorist attack.
2001年9月11日,周二,在纽约布鲁克林区的海滨栏杆处,行人可以看到东河对岸经历恐怖袭击后正在燃烧的世贸双子塔 。
10.Pedestrians on the waterfront in Brooklyn, New York, look across the East River at One World Trade Center and the Manhattan skyline on Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2014.
