At this year’s FIFA World Cup, the first kick was delivered by a man with paralyzed legs, Juliano Pinto. He was wearing an elaborate exoskeleton suit that enabled him to, remarkably, tap a soccer ball with his foot using only his mind—no buttons, no muscles, just brainwaves.
The engineers behind the suit had developed a system that appears to read the brain’s intentions courtesy of electroencephalographic, or EEG, sensors. It’s not that simple to read someone’s mind, of course, so Pinto had to learn to think—ponder that one for a moment—in such a way that would give the suit orders it could understand.
Exoskeletons have long been a fixture of comic books and futuristic movies, but they aren’t science fiction any more. According to the market research firm WinterGreen Research, the market for rehabilitation robots, active prostheses, and exoskeletons is already worth $43 million and is projected to reach $1.8 billion by 2020. That many people will soon wear different kinds of machines to get more work done is, at this point, nearly a given.
That’s not to say that you will have motors and gears hidden inside your chalk-stripe suit. (Well, you might.) The type of machine to use will largely depend on the type of work to accomplish. For example, BMW announced in January the creation of a new glove that takes the stress off of a single action—inserting a rubber plug in a car’s frame to close drain holes for the paint coat—for workers in its factories. A modest start, sure, but the applications for such tools will only become more elaborate.
Exoskeletons are arguably the most complex category of these tools. They don’t just promise to make it easier to complete a simple action; they promise to support or accomplish some of the most complicated maneuvers our bodies are capable of. With exoskeletons, people with disabilities can do and experience much more than they might have otherwise had reason to believe possible, such as walking. Exoskeletons also promise to allow able-bodied people, such as soldiers, run faster and carry more than the average human body otherwise would.
Simple or complex, why are all of these robotic devices suddenly possible? Oddly enough, it’s because of the rise of the smartphone, says Dmitry Grishin, an entrepreneur and investor who serves as chief executive of Mail.ru Group and founded Grishin Robotics.
不管是简单的还是复杂的,这些机器人设备为什么一夜之间离我们如此之近?说来也奇怪,这恰恰是由于智能手机的崛起,Mail.ru集团首席执行官,Grishin Robotics公司创始人,企业家,投资人德米特里o格里辛这样说道。
“Right now, because of the revolution in technology and smartphones. a lot of components that weren’t designed for robots—cameras, sensors, batteries, processors, and all of that—have become really cheap,” he says. “And that has completely changed the whole industry.”
There are three markets where exoskeletons and their less sophisticated siblings are most likely to first appear: the medical devices industry, heavy industry, and the military. Here’s a look at each.
The first medical device to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for home and community use by paraplegics is called the ReWalk, an Israeli-made exoskeleton that takes cues from upper body movements to take steps, stop, and sit down. Clinical rehabilitation is one of its major selling points.
There are something like 240,000 people with spinal cord damage in the U.S., says Anne Spungen, associate director of the Spinal Cord Damage Research Center in New York. Spungen has investigated the uses of exoskeletal walking devices, including the ReWalk, at the Veterans Affairs facility in the Bronx where the center is located. The VA is the largest provider of services to people with spinal cord injury in the United States, serving approximately 22,000 of the 42,000 veterans with the injuries.
纽约脊椎损伤研究中心(Spinal Cord Damage Research Center)副主任安妮o斯庞根表示,美国约有24万人患有脊椎损伤。在该中心所在地,位于纽约布朗克斯区的退伍军人事务部(Veterans Affairs)里,斯庞根调查了各种外骨骼助步设备的使用情况,其中就包括ReWalk。退伍军人事务部是美国最大的脊椎损伤病人服务机构,为大约22,000名脊椎损伤的退伍军人提供服务(患有这种疾病的退伍军人共42,000名)。
There are several other platforms for paraplegics besides the ReWalk, including the Ekso, Indego, and REX Bionics. “My motto is not to compare these devices to each other. They are all good in some way,” Spungen says. “We need the field to advance. We need them all to come forward.”
除了ReWalk之外,也有一些其它平台可以为半身不遂者提供帮助,比如Ekso、Indego和 REX Bionics等公司的产品。斯庞根表示:“我的理念是,不拿这些设备进行相互比较,他们都挺好的,各有各的优势。我们需要这一领域不断向前发展,但愿这些制造商都能够更进一步。”
The first patient took a ReWalk home in July. It’s not cheap. The price for one is $69,500, and ReWalk CEO Larry Jasinski says he doesn’t expect that to change anytime soon. “We believe the system pricing is fair and that it is a net cost-saver to the insuring community,” he says. “Scale will help margins which will allow more focus or spending on R&D for improvements and new applications.” (On Tuesday, ReWalk Robotics set the terms for a $50 million IPO on Nasdaq, valuing the company at $188 million. In its filing, it revealed that it has sold 81 systems to date.)
第一台ReWalk于今年七月被一名患者买回了家,69,500美元的价格可着实不便宜。ReWalk公司CEO拉里o亚辛斯基表示,他认为这种局面短期内可能不会改变。“我们认为这套系统的定价是合理的,而且还为保险业省了不少成本。”他还表示:“如果生产规模扩大,将有助于利润率的提高,从而有助于我们投入更多研发费用对它进行改进,或开发新的应用。”(本周二,ReWalk Robotics公司向纳斯达克提交了IPO招股书,拟上市融资5,000万美元,该公司的估值也将达到1.88亿美金。ReWalk在上市文件中批露,截至目前,该公司已经卖出了81套外骨骼系统。)
Another device, Honda’s Walk Assist, is currently under trial at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. (The Japanese company has yet to disclose an expected retail price.) The device is built for fully ambulatory people who may need assistance for one reason or another, such as the elderly.
与此同时,本田公司(Honda)生产的Walk Assist正在芝加哥康复研究院(Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago)接受测试。(本田公司尚未批露这款设备的零售价。)这款设备是为那些还没有完全失去自主行走能力,但因为某些原因需要辅助的人设计的——比如老年人。
Despite the promising start, Grishin believes the regulated nature of the medical market makes it unlikely that breakthroughs will happen there. “Innovation happens when you can move very quickly,” he says. “I think the big innovation in this market will not come from medical.”
A number of companies see opportunity in using robotics to ease strain on factory workers who, for example, need to squat repeatedly throughout the day or bear weight while walking. Honda is one of them, and introduced an experimental device for the purpose in 2008. “At the moment, the biggest engineering challenge is in ensuring that the device will work the same way for every body type that may need to use it,” says Jeffrey Smith, an assistant vice president at Honda of North America. “This is not just a device made for the elderly, but it was designed with all of society in mind.”
Smith said that advances in materials and battery technology have been important in the development of Honda’s device—not just for extending its battery life but in providing consistent power levels and performance.
Another, experimental device is more of a wearable robot than an exoskeleton in that it gives its user additional limbs rather than increasing his or her strength. FredericoParietti, a mechanical engineer and doctoral candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is working on research commissioned by the aerospace company Boeing, which faces the problem of its highly-skilled factory workforce aging.
Parietti and other researchers at MIT’s d’Arbeloff Laboratory observed that many Boeing factory jobs were two-person jobs where one worker performed skilled work while another well-trained worker merely assisted, such as holding an object in place. The team began building a robot that could work as a set of extra limbs and perform the less-skilled tasks in a two-person job, freeing up the other skilled worker to do higher-level work. The team’s biggest challenge is software: the robot can’t take voice commands because the factory floor is too noisy, and so must learn to take the lead from the skilled worker.
“We have so many sensors that are recording human motion,” Parietti says. “So how do you extract from those data what is the human’s intention?” The MIT-Boeing system is still in development and may be ready for deployment in two years.
Among the most complex assist devices for industrial use is the Body Extender, the work of the Perceptual Robotics Laboratory (better known as Percro) at the ScuolaSuperioreSant’Anna near Pisa, Italy. The exoskeleton, which resembles the futuristic machinery in comic books (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing comes to mind), is designed to greatly increase a person’s strength—up to 10 times, according to the company, which would benefit the handling of materials (e.g. aircraft fuselage panels) too heavy for a single human to carry or position.
意大利比圣安娜高等学校的感知机器人实验室(Percro)推出的Body Extender,是工业应用辅助设备中最复杂的设备之一。这套外骨骼系统看起来有点像漫画书里的未来机甲【让人不由得想起《机动战士高达》(Mobile Suit Gundam Wing))。该公司称,它可以极大地提高一个人的力量,最高可以提高至10倍,很适合用来搬运一个人抬不动的材料(比如飞机的机身壁板)。
Like industry, the military wants strength for its skilled workers. Information about these devices is tightly guarded, but it’s known that what is now Ekso Bionics developed the core technology that Lockheed Martin is using to build the HULC Robotic Exoskeleton (its name is pronounced like the incredible Marvel Comics superhero), a battery-powered, hydraulic system that helps a soldier squat, crawl, and lift while carrying pack loads of up to 200 lbs.
像工业界一样,军队也希望提高士兵的力量。虽然美军对有关信息守口如瓶,但我们现在已经知道,洛克希德马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)正在利用Ekso Bionics公司开发的核心技术,打造一款名叫HULC Robotic的外骨骼系统。【它的发音听起来跟那位令人难以置信的《惊奇漫画》(Marvel Comics)超级英雄恰好是一样的。)这套外骨骼系统是液压系统,由电池提供动力,可以帮助士兵完成蹲下、匍匐等动作,以及负载重达200磅的装备。
Similarly, Battelle, the science and technology development company, is working with the U.S. Special Operations Command to develop what it calls the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit. Not much is known about the Talos suit, but the technology site Gizmodo got a good look at the helmet in July, confirming an intention to use technology to pack more gear on a soldier’s body and make it feel like he or she is carrying less than ever. (Will he ever fly? Probably not, but if he can run at length with fifty pounds of dead weight on his body, close enough.)
科技开发公司Battelle也与美国特种作战司令部合作,开发了一款所谓的“战术突击轻甲”(Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit)。虽然我们还不大清楚这套盔甲的细节,但是科技网站Gizmodo今年七月有机会近距离接触了这套盔甲,确任了它能够让士兵在负载更多装备的同时,还觉得自己身轻如燕。(那么有了这套“钢铁侠战衣”,他能飞起来吗?或许不能,不过如果他背着50磅的负载还能健步如飞,那也和飞差不了多少了。)
In Grishin’s view, the military will be too protective about what it develops for its advances to trickle into the private sector for use in other applications. But profits in military technology are a good source for R&D funds for other applications that could reach consumers, he says, and for that reason Grishin is optimistic that gear-heads in certain areas—say, extreme sports—will demand exoskeletons of their own.
From simplified tools to fully developed exoskeletons, wearable robotics are in a sense the debut of a new technological platform. The devices promise to allow individuals—and by extension, the companies and organizations that manage them—to perform tasks with more strength, precision, and computational capacity. The Industrial Revolution and the Information Age each threatened to cut humans out of the picture in the name of efficiency. What if combining them puts us right back in the center?