According to the Medical Research Council's Reproductive Biology Unit, sperm counts are falling by around three per cent every year, so we spoke to Dr Allan Pacey, male fertility expert from Sheffield University and secretary of the British Fertility Society, to get the lowdown on male fertility.
根据医疗调查委员会的复制的生物样本,每年精子的数量会下降到大约3%,因此我们采访了Allan Pacey,来自谢菲尔德大学的男性生殖专家,英国生殖力协会秘书来弄清男性生殖。
Male infertility is mostly caused by men producing too few sperm or sperm that don't work properly (i.e. they don't swim as well as they should, or when they meet an egg they don't fertilise it as they should).
The main test for male fertility is called 'semen analysis'. This is where a man provides a sample of semen to be examined under the microscope to check the number of sperm and also some aspects of their quality (how well they swim and their size and shape mainly). It is important that the man abstains from sex or masturbation for between two and five days before this test is carried out. It is also important that this is carried out by a proper laboratory used to looking at semen. Based on the tests from semen analysis some men may then have their hormones checked and also some genetic tests performed.
Most of the existing solutions are to try to help the sperm that the man is producing get to the egg in some way. This might include a simple insemination of his partner (IUI), or it may mean in vitro fertilisation (IVF). In more severe cases, individual sperm could be injected into eggs collected from the man's partner. This technique is known as ICSI. If the man is producing no sperm, then normally this means that he will have to consider using the sperm from a donor. Although in some very rare cases if this is because of a hormone production problem, it can sometimes be corrected.
There is no evidence that older men produce fewer sperm, but there is evidence that the sperm from older men are of poorer quality. This is evident in two ways. First the partners of older fathers are more likely to have a miscarriage compared to the partners of younger men. There is also evidence that the children of older fathers are more at risk of having some rare genetic diseases. Both of these observations suggest that the DNA of the sperm from older men has been altered or mutated in some way.
Some of the treatments for cancer and similar drugs used to treat arthritic conditions or some kidney disorders can affect sperm counts. This is why some men get offered the opportunity to bank sperm before they start those treatments.