Shop assistants in luxury stores are perhaps the most snobbish group of people. In their presence we feel we have to wear expensive coats to survive their judging looks.
But according to research from Harvard Business School, putting on your ordinary gym sweatpants in a luxury store may boost your standing in the eyes of store assistants. Why? Because sticking out in distinct ways in certain circumstances can make you seem more successful and important than you actually are.
In a series of studies recently published in the Journal of Consumer Research, Silvia Bellezza, a doctoral student, and two Harvard professors tried to examine what observers thought of individuals who deviated from the norm in the workplace and in a retail setting, The Wall Street Journal reported. What they found was that being a little different can socially benefit people — in some situations.
“The problem is that conforming to noraptms is an easy and safe spot to be in,” Bellezza told The Wall Street Journal. “If you’re willing to deviate, there are upsides.” But, she also warned that acting differently risks losing the benefits that come with conforming, such as shared group identity and trust.
“问题在于,遵守定规是一种简单而安全的做法。” 贝利扎在采访中说道,“若你愿意特立独行,也是有好处的。”但是,她也警告道,不按常规出牌会失去遵循常规所带来的好处,比如,集体认同感和信任度。
In their first study, they asked shop assistants in Milan to rate what they thought of people who walked into luxury stores wearing gym clothes. They were also asked to rate those who wore outfits typically considered more appropriate in luxury stores, like a dress and a fur coat.
You may think that a well-dressed individual was more likely to have the money to buy something in the store. But shop assistants thought the opposite. They assumed that a client wearing gym clothes was confident enough to not need to dress up more, and therefore more apt to be a celebrity making a purchase than someone wearing fur.
Surprising results
The study found the same pattern emerged in academic and workplace settings: Students showed more respect to a fictitious bearded professor who wore a T-shirt than to a clean-shaven one who wore a suit and tie.
Candidates entering a business-plan competition who chose to use their own PowerPoint presentation background were thought more likely to win than those who used the standard background.
However, not everyone can benefit from looking different. For example, wearing jeans to a formal event is always a social mistake. Andrew Luecke, a writer for the lifestyle magazine Esquire, said Harvard’s research should not be used as an excuse for not caring about one’s style and grooming.
“You must know the rules to break them properly,” Luecke said. “Not just any filthy jeans will get you four-star service at luxury stores. They must be the perfect filthy jeans that fit properly and convey a sense of knowing but not caring. To paraphrase Sun-Tzu, ‘If you know your enemies’ swag and your swag, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.’”