In the August issue of Smithsonian's Air& Space magazine, Tom Vanderbilt tests out NASA's new Orion spaceship, which will go deeper into space than anyspaceship has before.
Vanderbilt toured a "low-fidelitymockup" of Orion at Lockheed Martin's Exploration Development Laboratoryin Houston, and he describes the spaceship as resembling a Star WarsStormtrooper's helmet.
Despite massive NASA budget cuts recently,NASA gave the lab $6.1 billion in 2006 for Orion's construction. When theprogram was canceled, Lockheed Martin created a contact, which has beenextended to 2020, to build capsules for three missions. Orion, Vanderbiltwrites, is "NASA's most ambitious crewed vehicle ever" and will"carry the human space program for the next 30 years." NASA hopesOrion will be able to complete everything from lunar exploration to Marsmissions.
Orion will eventually reach speeds of 20,000 mph, Vanderbiltreports, and will be able to leave low Earth orbit, where the InternationalSpace Station is located. According to NASA's website, Orion's first test flight willoccur by the end of the year, with Orion atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket. Orion'sfirst exploration mission, which will be the first to combine Orion with NASA'snew SpaceLaunch System, is scheduled for 2017.