The Internet is buzzing about a new online commercial that shows actor Jean-Claude Van Damme appearing to perform a split between two moving Volvo FM trucks. Volvo says the stunt really happened.
最近一则广告视频在网上引发广泛关注,影片中,动作男星尚格・云顿(Jean-Claude Van Damme)站在两辆并行的沃尔沃(Volvo) FM卡车中间表演劈叉动作。沃尔沃称影片拍摄确实使用了这一特技。
'The stunt is real and is performed in just one take,' said Anders Vilhelmsson, public relations manager for the Volvo Trucks brand. 'It's a daring stunt but we had full control. There was never any real danger involved.'
沃尔沃卡车品牌公关经理安德斯・威廉松(Anders Vihelmsson)说:我们真的采用了这一特技,而且拍摄一次成功。我们对这项大胆的特技有着充分的把握。影片的拍摄不存在任何危险。
Van Damme, 53, was hooked to safety lines that aren't visible in the film, and each foot is on a small platform that was built on the trucks' side mirrors.
Van Damme's feet aren't secured to the mirrors, video director Andreas Nilsson said, 'but we had him rigged so that if he would fall off he wouldn't die obviously. We didn't want to be responsible for killing the Muscles from Brussels.'
视频导演安德烈亚斯・尼尔森(Andreas Nilsson)称,我们并没有把尚格・云顿的脚固定在镜子上,但我们明摆着给他配备了安全装置,保证他即便摔下来也不会有事。我们可不想背上杀害布鲁塞尔肌肉男(Muscles from Brussels)的恶名。
The stunt, meant to advertise Volvo Trucks' new dynamic steering system, has drawn more than eight million views on YouTube since the video was posted on Nov. 13.
It was filmed by Nilsson on a closed-off airstrip in Spain called Ciudad Real, located just south of Madrid. Prior to filming, the production team rehearsed the stunt for three days. The final version had to be completed within just 15 minutes - from 8:05 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. - when the sunlight was just right.
'The film you see is the first take. But obviously we had tons of rehearsals,' Nilsson said. 'The tension was really high. I saw a tough stunt coordinator swell up after we nailed it. That might actually be the nicest memory from the shoot.'
Nilsson said the drivers of the trucks played key roles. 'What they did is fantastic. I don't know if you have tried to drive backwards with a truck but it's not the easiest thing,' he said. 'And then [to] keep it in total control when spreading apart is very, very hard.'
The trucks go backward in the video because 'we all know that going in reverse is a bit more difficult than going forward,' Vilhelmsson said. 'We felt that would be the ultimate test, to have the trucks go in reverse with someone standing on the side mirrors performing a side split. And we knew that if anyone would be able to do that, it would have to be Jean-Claude Van Damme.'
Nilsson called the video an honest homage to Van Damme, 'a pop cultural icon that I have had in my life since I was a kid. The spots he has been in before have looked down on him, in my opinion. I was looking up, in celebration.'
The new dynamic steering system combines conventional hydraulic powered steering with an electric motor that is fitted to the truck's steering gear. The electric motor receives 2000 signals per second from the truck's on-board sensors, allowing for more precise steering, according to Vilhelmsson. He said the steering system offers a more relaxed and ergonomically designed experience for truck drivers.
The 'Epic Split' video is part of a series produced by Volvo Trucks that features daring stunts meant to illustrate innovations in its vehicles. A previous video dubbed 'The Ballerina Stunt' filmed two trucks speeding toward a tunnel, with a woman crossing a slack line between them before they hit the tunnel. That video also went viral, getting more than 7 million views.
这部名为“载入史册的一劈”(Epic Split)的广告片,是沃尔沃制作的系列汽车宣传片中的一部。该系列短片以特技表演为内容来展示其对汽车的设计创新。在先前的一部名叫“芭蕾特技”(The Ballerina Stunt)的视频中,两部卡车并行驶向隧道,两车之间搭起一条绳索,一位女运动员表演空中走绳索的特技,最后两辆卡车一起冲进隧道,特技演员在卡车驶入隧道前惊险走完全程。这部视频也快速走红,观看量超过700万次。
When Volvo began planning the launch of five new trucks 12 months ago, the creative team adopted a strategy of producing YouTube films that would create attention, and inform and entertain audiences, Vilhelmsson said. That would pave the way for future advertising and sales campaigns in local markets.
With the Van Damme video, Volvo wanted to illustrate the new dynamic steering model in a spectacular way, and reach beyond traditional markets. 'We need to target not only truck drivers, but future truck drivers. Young people who are facing a choice of a future career,' he said.
'We know the media landscape is changing,' he said. 'We have different media consumption habits today than a couple years ago. So that is why we invest in this cost-efficient way of reaching out to millions of people online.'
Volvo Trucks will continue to release more stunt videos, but has no more planned with Jean-Claude Van Damme at this time.