Pabst Blue Ribbon
In America, it’s the choice of blue-collar workers and hipsters — an unpretentious lager known primarily for its cheap price tag. But in China, some versions of Pabst Blue Ribbon are something else entirely: high-end alcoholic beverages that would be right at home in a socialite’s manicured hands. Pabst Blue Ribbon 1844 was introduced a few years ago in China with a price tag of $44 a bottle. The ad copy that went along with it read: “It’s not just Scotch that’s put into wooden casks. There’s also Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer 1844. Many world-famous spirits are matured in precious wooden casks — Scotch whisky, French brandy, Bordeaux wine…” and goes on to call the beer “truly a treasure among beers.”
在美国,这是蓝领工人和嬉皮士们的选择——主要以其价格低廉而闻名。但是在中国,蓝带旗下的某些产品线就完全是另外一回事了:很可能是社会名流手中的高端酒精饮料。 蓝带1844在几年前以44美元一瓶的价位引入中国市场。它的广告词是这么说的:“放在橡木桶里的酒不单只有威士忌,还有蓝带1844。很多世界级的名酒在珍贵的木桶中酿造——苏格兰威士忌,法国白兰地,波尔多葡萄酒……”接着它被称之为“啤酒中的珍宝”。
Howard Johnson
You’d be forgiven if you walked into some of the Howard Johnson hotels (they’re part of the Wyndham Hotel Group) in China and thought you were in a Westin instead. The hotel chain, which most Americans consider a basic budget accommodation, operates roughly 50 hotels in China, many of which are four- and- five-star properties. “Some of them have resorts and spas — they’re very nice,” says Steve Papermaster, the CEO of venture development firm Powershift Group. Take Howard Johnson’s resort property in Shanghai : You walk into a marble lobby with high ceilings and a chandelier and are treated to perks like a high-end spa, rooftop tennis courts and a wine lounge. There are more than 200 Howard Johnson hotels in the U.S.
当你走进一些中国的豪生酒店(他们是温德姆酒店集团的成员)却感觉自己身处一家威斯丁旗下的酒店的时候——那不是你的错。大多数美国人心目中豪生连锁只是一个经济型酒店品牌。而豪生在中国运营着大约50家酒店,其中很多都是四到五星级的。“它们中的一些还有度假村和SPA,非常不错” Powershift 集团风险发展公司的总裁 Steve Papermaster这样说到。以豪生酒店在上海的休闲酒店为例:走进去就能看到高吊顶和枝形吊灯的大理石大厅,服务项目包括高端SPA,屋顶网球场和酒吧间等等。
Buick: It’s not your grandpa’s car in China. The Buick, long seen by American consumers as an old man’s car (the average buyer in the U.S. is around 60 years old, according to some estimates), is seen by the Chinese as a stylish luxury car, says says Deb Weidenhamer, founder and CEO of iPai , an auction house in China. The luxury play is working well in China: 810,000 Buicks were sold in China last year; in the U.S. only about 200,000 were sold. And J.D. Power & Associates predicts that by 2016 Buick sales could hit one million in China. While Buick recently launched a new ad campaign in the U.S. to combat it’s fuddy-duddy image, it’s still got a long way to go before it’s seen by Americans the way the Chinese see it.
别克:在中国这可不是你爷爷的车。IPAI公司的创始人兼总裁Deb Weidenhamer说:“别克在美国消费者心目中的定位属于老人车(购买者的平均年龄大约是60岁),而在中国却被认为是时髦的高端车品牌。”别克在中国的高端行销做得不错:去年他们在中国售出大约81万辆车,而在美国仅仅卖出了20万辆。尽管别克最近已经在美国启动了新的广告营销以图改变它的古板形象,想要让它在达到中国消费者心目中那样的形象还有很长的路要走。
Pizza Hut
While there are some relatively fancy Pizza Hut locations in the U.S., most of us associate this brand with getting cheap pizza quickly. But Chinese consumers view Pizza Hut — which has more than 1,000 locations in China — as a nicer sit-down restaurant, says Weidenhamer. “You don’t think fast food when you walk in, you think restaurant,” says Papermaster. “They’re more like a Chili’s or an Applebee’s.” Indeed, its more upscale interiors look like sushi restaurants would in the U.S. and its menu includes items like chestnut chicken rice, scallop paella and gold caviar prawns.
Weidenhamer 说:“尽管在美国还是有一些相对高档的必胜客门店,我们大部分人都认为这只是个买便宜的比萨快餐的地方。但是中国消费者心目中,必胜客是一个不错的坐下来吃饭的餐厅。中国有超过1000家必胜客门店。”“你走进去的时候不会觉得这是快餐店,而是正儿八经的餐厅”,Papermaster说,“它们更像是Chili's或是苹果蜂这种档次的餐厅”。事实上,它内部的的装潢看起来像是美国的寿司餐厅,菜品包括板栗鸡肉饭,西班牙扇贝肉菜饭和黄金鱼子酱虾等等。
Local beer in China tends to be downright cheap — some sell for less than the equivalent of 50 cents a bottle in stores — but foreign brews tend to be an exception. Indeed, bottles of Budweiser sometimes sells for almost triple the cost of some local beer. And even as Bud sales have been faltering a bit in the U.S., the company is gunning to become the king of beers in China (though they market themselves as “Style of the King” since China has restrictions on using word’s like “best” in their marketing materials), according to The Wall Street Journal .